Sunday, August 26, 2007

Whippets Bad For You?

Rubik's Cube and the return trip

Yes, I'm not dead, even though I was in such a way that could really happen.
It took me 3 hours and a fourth leg and two and a half hours to return.
The only interesting thing I did was go to the spa Vinadio night, crazy cool, outdoor pool with hot sulphurous water, which smells a bit ', but after a while we do the nose, while the air temperature hovered around 5 degrees.
are also entered in the grotto, never made so much heat, seemed to be hell, I do not know how people not to be taken ill, it's incredible.
Sleeping is not slept a fucking mountain, 5 in the same apartment, and someone always had to scream or pee or heard the noise, or was hungry, had to smoke etc etc ... Often it was morning.
I set out to return that I was a zombie, the Savona-Torino there was a dog, I was afraid to fall asleep as soon as I popped in Savona, I felt at home, although there was some way to go yet.
Once in the house, I was pleased to note that it was the Rubik's cube I ordered on ebay, there are days and nights behind sclerosis, a few minutes ago I exploded into a thousand pieces, and I have had to beat to climb I would point out that six in the morning. Luckily I
trovato sempre su ebay, uno che vendeva il cubo del 25° anniversario e l'ho acquistato al volo, speriamo che sia piu robusto, perchè questo oltre a esplodere perde pure le facce, e mi tocca andare di attak.
Se volete un consiglio comprate su ebay, o in un negozio uno cubo che tanto costa tipo 5 euro, e poi visitate che ci sono le spiegazioni, che sono un casino e ci sono le animazioni sbagliate che spiegano, ma aiuta a capire molte cose.
Io non sono ancora ruscito a risolverlo al cento percento senza il risolutore automatico, perchè alla fine mi incasino sempre e devo ricominciare da capo, comunque è una esperienza che vale la pena di essere vissuta.
Il cubo l'ho comprato perchè The other day I saw "The Pursuit of Happyness," Muccino's film, which tralaltro is wonderful, and the Rubik's Cube plays a decisive role in the film, and then I also try coluto me with this puzzle that continues to fal 1979 make the world go crazy, have fun.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Wedding Decorations Melbourne

first trip alone

It 's a bit of time I do not write in the blog, but I had gone a bit' desire, but many things will have happened, tantissimissime.
Bersezio Soon I leave for the border with France, with three hours of travel time by wolves, for me it's a suicide, are mentally unstable, heavily, and driving more than 15 minutes I Scazzi, if there is a god he loves me, I will arrive at your destination, However I am sure that the angel will watch over me while garmin.
If you do not go back more buddies goodbye, it was great!