How many things have happened since September 14
Dai m'รจ andata di culo, pare che la paroxetina sul mio organismo funzioni.
Non mi sento diverso da prima, ma tante cose sono totalmente scomparse, come ansia, pensieri ossessivi ecc ecc.
Son successe tante di quelle cose in questo periodo che to synthesize it would take too much to write anyway.
Anyway I went in the car alone, Parma, Pisa, Florence, Mass. and other places, I'm calm, happiness is one other thing, but I'm satisfied.
During this time I do not feel the need I had before, nn almost never feel hungry or thirsty, I have no sexual desires, I do not feel a lack of affection, it is as if I'm not missing anything, the only thing I need always the music, and my cigarettes I have started a long time to smoke.
perhaps will begin shortly to work as outside in a large firm of Genova, I'm training in singing, and I'm pulling down the script a little short that I do with my friend Claudio.
also will begin to make a short video messages to put on youtube, as well as those who write here.
Greetings to all.