Or update it or close it!
"Or update it or close it," they told me, actually my idea was to share a little bit from scratch with a new blog hosted by me, going to revisit the old things I've said, and offering my new, I so much to say that the end and say nothing.
The silent people that surround our useless lives, are always the most interesting, and those who have more to say, because living in the shadows is thinking, sometimes it is not wanted or detachment from society, but another point of view that may provide interesting insights.
When I closed some work commitments, it will be my care to share with the world of my discoveries of recent years, with those who have not lost the desire to read, in this world that we throw up on the lights and sounds while we are increasingly tied to invisible chains that we ourselves are inclined to wear, too often with free will and that someone still prides.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
How To Get Voyeur On Cod 6
numbers 1-4 December 1977
Calcografia National Review.
113 pages in b & n.
INDEX There is only the work unique, Albe Steiner Rossanda Ross, Erik Satie, Ornella Volta, Off-Media Germano Celant, Mnemosyne in Polaroid by Carlo Bertelli, Francesco Fondu Salina, Universal Encyclopedia of Luigi Serafini Draft folder, The Heavens by GB Piranesi Pasquale Santoro, 50 years of the Atelier 17 Pasquale Santoro, Activity Calcografia 1976-77, the other half of the print of Carlo Bertelli, Hogarth and Piranesi by Carlo Bertelli, Da e per Hogarth di Concetto Pozzati, Stampa e archeologia industriale di Carlo Bertelli, A proposito di incisione napoletana dell'Ottocento di Carlo Bertelli, Tre anni di mostre alla Calcografia, Dentro la carta di M.P. Mongini, Filippo Napoletano e Jacques Callot di Monica Manfrini, Pietro Testa and Lucca di Elizabeth Cropper, L'insensato gioco di scrivere di Franco Purini.
Tantissime foto e riproduzioni di acqueforti e segni calcografici.
La rivista è disponibile sul sito: http://www.delcampe.net/page/item/id,60127606,var,Rivista-GRAFICA-Numero-1-4-Dicembre-1977-Calcografia-Nazionale,language,I.html
Per informazioni gallerie@mediartgm.it
Nuclear Rabbit Intestinal Fortitude Rar
GRAFICA grafica II : 1
Rivista della Calcografia Nazionale edita da Edizioni dell'Elefante, Roma Gennaio 1976.
90 pagine in b&n.
INDICE: Presentazione di Carlo Bertelli, Tipografia e réclame di Silvia Danesi, La silografia e la fotografia secondo Veronesi di Carlo Bertelli, Date significative per la fotografia astratta degli anni '30, Dopo Casabella di Paolo Martellotti, Notizie biografiche su Luigi Veronesi, Il dibattito sulla grafica degli anni '30: un'antologia, Introduzione all'incisione di Guido Strazza, Notizie Copperplate Engraving.
Rivista della Calcografia Nazionale edita da Edizioni dell'Elefante, Roma Gennaio 1976.
90 pagine in b&n.
INDICE: Presentazione di Carlo Bertelli, Tipografia e réclame di Silvia Danesi, La silografia e la fotografia secondo Veronesi di Carlo Bertelli, Date significative per la fotografia astratta degli anni '30, Dopo Casabella di Paolo Martellotti, Notizie biografiche su Luigi Veronesi, Il dibattito sulla grafica degli anni '30: un'antologia, Introduzione all'incisione di Guido Strazza, Notizie Copperplate Engraving.
Lots of photos and reproductions of etchings and intaglio print signs.
The journal is available at:
Congratulation The Mariage
GRAPHICS The graphics: 1
GRAPHICS The graphics: 1
Calcografia National Review, published by Editions Elephant Rome in December 1975.
66 pages in b & n.
CONTENTS: Introduction , ideal for a student of Guido Strazza, a graphic GRAPHICS Carlo Bertelli, Notes for a teaching Guido Strazza, Design of a museum and a restoration of Carlo Bertelli, Restoration Pia Pascalino, the exhibition hall Study Labyrinth, The Labyrinth of the Studio Museum.
Lots of photos and reproductions of etchings and intaglio print signs.
The journal is available at:
Newspaper Clip Art Can Be Edit
artisan experience
N. 3, 4, 5 to 1949
N. 3, 4, 5 to 1949
bimonthly magazine of the decorative arts, director Giovanni Michelucci.
105 pages with lots of photos in b & w and color.
articles right niche Fasola, Emilio Tolaini, Ferruccio Pasqui, Renée-Montard Uldry, Nereo Mayer, Mara Levi-Montalcini, Ermanno Migliorini, Gino Levi-Montalcini, Giovanni Michelucci, Maria Chiappelli, Nello Casamassima, Carlo Leoni and many others .
Many sections on decorative arts, drawings, designs, news and reviews. Many
advertising specialist.
advertising specialist.
The journal is available at:
Homemade Pontoon Rod Holders
bimonthly magazine of the decorative arts, director Giovanni Michelucci.
73 pages with lots of photos in b & w and color.
articles Giovanni Michelucci, Right Nicco Fasola, Luigi Bartolini, Nereo Mayer, Gian Paolo Paoli and others. Many
sections on decorative arts, drawings, designs news and reviews.
bimonthly magazine of the decorative arts, director Giovanni Michelucci.
73 pages with lots of photos in b & w and color.
articles Giovanni Michelucci, Right Nicco Fasola, Luigi Bartolini, Nereo Mayer, Gian Paolo Paoli and others. Many
sections on decorative arts, drawings, designs news and reviews.
Many advertising specialist.
Year I, n. 2, June 1949.
Year I, n. 2, June 1949.
The journal is available at:
http://www.delcampe.net/page/item/id, 60130173, var, Journal-EXPERIENCE-ARTISAN-2-DECORATIVE-John-Michelucci, language, I.html
For gallerie@mediartgm.it
For gallerie@mediartgm.it
How Can I Get Dye Off Pyjamas Off Leather Couch
Number 2 - Number 1 ARTISAN EXPERIENCE
bimonthly magazine of the decorative arts, director Giovanni Michelucci.
66 pages with lots of photos b & w and color.
Articles by Michelucci, Right Nicco Fasola, Danilo Santi, Maria Maltoni, Piero Bigonciari, Dorfles and others.
Many sections on decorative arts, plans, drawings and news. Many advertising specialist.
Year I, n. 1, February 1949.
The journal is available at:
http://www.delcampe.net/page/item/id, 60130389, var, Journal-EXPERIENCE--1-CRAFT DECORATIVE-John-Michelucci, language, I. html
For gallerie@mediartgm.it
bimonthly magazine of the decorative arts, director Giovanni Michelucci.
66 pages with lots of photos b & w and color.
Articles by Michelucci, Right Nicco Fasola, Danilo Santi, Maria Maltoni, Piero Bigonciari, Dorfles and others.
Many sections on decorative arts, plans, drawings and news. Many advertising specialist.
Year I, n. 1, February 1949.
The journal is available at:
http://www.delcampe.net/page/item/id, 60130389, var, Journal-EXPERIENCE--1-CRAFT DECORATIVE-John-Michelucci, language, I. html
For gallerie@mediartgm.it
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Hp Scanjet 7400c Scanner Could Not Be Initialized
In this blog you can see objects related - In general - the
Modern Art, Graphics and Mosaic.
Going into details, you can view objects
Arts Calcografia, calendars, old postcards, paper quality
Collectables, Books, Art, Graphics, Mosaic
, Santini, and more.
Almost all items are available - to identify a search engine - on the website:
Information gallerie@mediartgm.it
In this blog you can see objects related - In general - the
Modern Art, Graphics and Mosaic.
Going into details, you can view objects
Arts Calcografia, calendars, old postcards, paper quality
Collectables, Books, Art, Graphics, Mosaic
, Santini, and more.
Almost all items are available - to identify a search engine - on the website:
Information gallerie@mediartgm.it
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Long Dong Silver Caps

Booklet unavailable because only "fresh" and "Photograph"
On September 23, 1968 Padre Pio died, 40 years after a book
it traces the extraordinary figure. The manuscript is dated
1945, but we think it refers to events up to 1942.
E 'was produced by a primary school teacher from Puglia
(of which remain anonymous) who reported anecdotes,
apophthegmata, letters, thoughts, stories and decisions in
to Padre Pio. Surely they are the result of random reads,
considering how the sequence was completed.
Successivamente il maestro ha iniziato a frequentare Padre Pio
e, in un altro libretto, racconta il suo intenso percorso spirituale.
Libretto di 25 pagine complessive, dimensioni 140x150mm.
Stampato da A. S. N. su carta pregiata con superficie pergamenata.
I Edizione, Settembre 2008, 500 esemplari numerati a mano.
L'esemplare in fotografia è il n. 103/500 e sono disponibili
Libretto di 25 pagine complessive, dimensioni 140x150mm.
Stampato da A. S. N. su carta pregiata con superficie pergamenata.
I Edizione, Settembre 2008, 500 esemplari numerati a mano.
L'esemplare in fotografia è il n. 103/500 e sono disponibili
in ordine numerico altri esemplari, tutti numerati a mano.
La particolarità di questo libretto è lo stile "freschissimo"
La particolarità di questo libretto è lo stile "freschissimo"
del suo autore, anonimo pugliese, che ha collezionato "pillole"
"photographic" about Padre Pio. Took readings from random tests
stories and descriptions specifically on Padre Pio.
Again this has put his own style
"fresh", it seems to attend certain events
or you can identify with certain stories minimal.
Beyond thickness mystic Padre Pio shows
the real figure and a real Christian, engaged
24 hours 24 to live on his extraordinary destiny.
For gallerie@mediartgm.it
Disability Aids Catalogue
"Uagliò, uagliò, stiamece attiente" he repeated twice Padre Pio in Neapolitan dialect, I grabbed his left arm, shook him deeply , widening his eyes blacks ...
Booklet unavailable because single, meaningful and "fresh."
On September 23, 1968 Padre Pio died, 40 years after a journal

Booklet unavailable because single, meaningful and "fresh."
On September 23, 1968 Padre Pio died, 40 years after a journal
it traces the extraordinary figure. For 60 years, from 1942 to 2002
(his death), a spiritual son of Padre Pio has
testified to his religious journey, from sin to conversion
unspeakable, past
existential difficulties and continuing safety of a simple faith
and saving time. In another book after the author has collected
all texts related to Padre Pio.
booklet of 25 pages, size 140x150mm.
Printed by ASN on high quality paper with vellum surface.
Issue, September 2008, 500 hand-numbered copies.
booklet of 25 pages, size 140x150mm.
Printed by ASN on high quality paper with vellum surface.
Issue, September 2008, 500 hand-numbered copies.
The specimen is in photography No 103/500
and are available in numerical order further copies, all hand numbered.
The peculiarity of this diary-style book is "fresh"
The peculiarity of this diary-style book is "fresh"
of its author, anonymous Puglia, telling events
determinants of his long life in simple, heartfelt,
vivid almost the entire diary and reads quickly,
seems can breathe the air of San Giovanni Rotondo
in the 40, 50 , 60. an authentic witness.
To information gallerie@mediartgm.it
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