I'm wearing slippers on the street
Way slippers in the middle of the road, are two and a half and there is not any, smoke my camel parade just took the package to the machine.
's two and a half down the street and there's nobody, if I knew it went down in my pajamas, no shoes found them, and went down well.
walk in the street and think "what the hell am I doing here?" a question that has no answer, I'm here to live my life an end in itself, because I believe that after death there is not really a dick.
ahuhauauh, god does not exist, at least if there was not yet alive, the soul? the soul does not exist, our behavior stems from a combination of factors, three major, the first is how our brain is physically structured, two from the information that we have learned in life and in the levels of three chemicals are present in our blood.
As the years go by, the brain becomes damaged, the memory fades slowly and begin to see less and less account of existence, this makes us happier, we stoned.
I watch my grandmother who is 98 years old and always laughing, because there are no problems for her, the only memories are those of the past best stored, it is often very acidic, and says bad things, we do not know where to jump off, all a consequence of aging of the brain that governs all our attitudes.
I saw those over 50 years and do not know why he returned to behave like a child of six years, and the hospital have never been able to give any explanation, his soul is perhaps regressed? Catholic bigots, then now what you say to me? mystery of faith? I prefer to live in reality in fairy tales, are now grown, is due to ignorance that reigns in Italy that people like Vanna Marchi was able to take advantage of people for years, the same ignorance that allows religion to be so widespread.
I do not see what the fuck there is intelligent to say a rosary for a dead person, but even if there were a god, but what the hell cares if people repeat the same thing 60 times, but did not give give a fuck , if I am going to the rosary or the funeral of someone just out of solidarity with the family, not because I believe that it serves a qualcosa.
L'uomo comunque alla fine della storia non capisce mica un cazzo, si limita a combinare le informazioni che possiede per tirarne fuori altre, riuscite forse voi a immaginarvi un colore che non avete mai visto ? a immaginarvi un sapore di un qualcosa mai assaggiato ? può un prete parlare di famiglia lui che per scelta ha deciso di dedicare la vita al signore e a qualche solitaria sega ?
Comununque nonostante la vita sia fine a se stessa, ho deciso di impegnarmi per viverla al meglio, anche se continuo a non staccarmi da ste merda di pastiglie e goccie, le mie ambizioni le ho , c'è chi in me ci crede, non lo deluderò .
Sta sera il pc mi ha lasciato a piedi, e I'm spending the night to restore everything, because when the phone rings for work, your computer broke is not an excuse to anything, for now I arrange with my laptop.
After transmitting the Year Zero on pedophile priests, I hope that something changes in people's minds, but perhaps nothing will change, because now is only news to those who fellazzio Big Brother under the sheets.
Dear friends of the blog, a greeting to all, and if you want my advice, live by the law of common sense that we all have inside, or at least I hope.
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