enamels, wood and dust
AUTHOR Filippo Maria Patella
TITLE AND DATE Mandala 2 / 1994
SUPPORT laminated wood.
inner dimensions 420x420mm
MATERIALI Smalti veneziani (Ditta Ugo Donà & Figli - in tessere e in polveri), legni, resine e vernici sintetiche.
TECNICA Mista con assemblaggi di mosaico (in tessere e in polveri) e legni dipinti.
STATO Perfetto (ved. FOTO 1 e 2, a bassa risoluzione).
L’opera è marchiata a fuoco sul retro con indicazione della data di esecuzione e logo dell’autore.
All’opera è allegato sia il Certificato di autenticità (autografato dall’autore) con foto e scheda tecnica, sia il Certificato di garanzia dell’attuale proprietario con foto dell’opera stessa.
Spiega C.G. Jung: "La parola sanscrita mandala means circle in general. As part of religious practices and in psychology it means circular images that you can draw, paint ... Very often, the mandala quaternity or contain a multiple of four in the shape of a cross, star, square ... In alchemy this is why it has took the form of squaring Circular. G. Poulet, quoting a passage from Rousseau's Lettres, compares the condition of those who delves into his life with that of a spider at the center of its web: "Let us become once again ourselves, with the focus on us, with our soul with the limit same limits that nature has given to our being, in a word where we start collecting, so looking to know, is to be simultaneously present before us all that we are made ".
About the mandala, the problems related to implementing technology in the mosaic (materials, techniques and timing of enforcement action) and research in art of Master Filippo Maria Patella visit the blog
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