Marmi in 10 Tipologie e Tonalità
CODICE 8-1983-12-11-25.
AUTORE Filippo Maria Patella.
TITOLO E DATA Mosaico 12/1983.
SUPPORTO Legno listellare.
MATERIALI Smalti veneziani originali (Ditta Ugo Donà & Figli - in polveri), marmi, legni dipinti e resine sintetiche.
TECNICA Mista con assemblaggi di mosaico in marmi, legni dipinti, polveri e resine sintetiche.
STATO Perfetto (ved. FOTO a bassa risoluzione).
L’opera è marchiata a fire on the front with the name of the author and on the back with the name, year and serial number.
work is attached is the Certificate of Authenticity (signed by the author) with pictures and technical details, and the warranty of the present owner with photos of the work.
Some issues related to implementing technology in the mosaic (materials, techniques and timing of enforcement action) and research in art of Master Filippo Maria Patella visit the blog:
http:/ / /
in 1983 have only been four mosaics, a different technique. It is a mosaic "classical" backgrounds of 10 different types of marble tiles with various sizes. Two painted wood and input of dust. The colors of marble range from pure white to black in Spain.
work of art in general (a sculpture, a painting, print), involves material costs (raw materials used, time and quality of labor) and intangible costs (research Art specific added value given by the artist and his personal history). A mosaic requires time-consuming, in this case the artist in question, can be quantified in an average of 5 hours of work for fully implementing an area of \u200b\u200b100x100mm (a square of 10 cm per side). This mosaic took about 80 hours of manual labor. And these are mandatory minimum time may increase but certainly can not be shortened. For information
work of art in general (a sculpture, a painting, print), involves material costs (raw materials used, time and quality of labor) and intangible costs (research Art specific added value given by the artist and his personal history). A mosaic requires time-consuming, in this case the artist in question, can be quantified in an average of 5 hours of work for fully implementing an area of \u200b\u200b100x100mm (a square of 10 cm per side). This mosaic took about 80 hours of manual labor. And these are mandatory minimum time may increase but certainly can not be shortened. For information
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