Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Masterbation Is It Heathly?

the tutorial and the image of this post are published with permission of the site FANCY BUTTERFLIES who has the rights.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Party Places In Banaglore


the tutorial and the image of this post are published with permission of the site that ALEGRAFICA it has rights.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Watch Brent Corrigan Shower


Saturday, November 20, 2010



the tutorial and the image of this post are published with permission of the site ENBIGRAFIC that it has rights.

Rescue Remedy With Prozac

the tutorial and the image of this post are published with permission of the site WEBDONNE that it has rights.

How To A Plat At The Front Of Your Hair

the tutorial and the image of this post are published with permission of the site that PASSIONEGRAFICA it has rights.

California Driver's Licence Template


il tutorial e l'immagine di questo post sono pubblicati su autorizzazione del sito ROBERTAROBERTA che ne vanta i diritti.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Difference Between Bond And Guarantee


il tutorial e l'immagine di questo post sono pubblicati su autorizzazione del sito REFLECTION AND GRAPHIC che ne vanta i diritti.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Burning Sensation In Side Of Stomach, Popped


the tutorial and the image of this post are published with permission of the site FANCY BUTTERFLIES who has the rights.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Shoulder Height For Newborns

Vi va una cena post Picnic?
L' Associazione Culturale PICNIC , in collaborazione con ComixComunity , organizza per domenica 18 luglio alla ore 20.00 una cena a base di porchetta. Un'occasione per passare insieme una serata nella prestigiosa (e speriamo fresca) cornice del Palazzo Vecchio del Mauriziano a Reggio Emilia.
La quota di partecipazione è di 10 euro.
Per partecipare (o per avere informazioni) contattate:
cell: 329. 5350549
cell: 335. 6516896

Come raggiungerci:
La cena si terrà presso il Palazzo Vecchio del Mauriziano  in via G. Scaruffi n. 1 a Reggio Emilia.

View Larger Map

Thursday, July 8, 2010

What Stage Is My Herpes At

come the pictures!

are beginning to come in first photos of the Picnic! Festival.

Some you can see them on our Flickr album

More can be found here:
- The Facebook page of Ausonia
- The site Atom Plastic

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Memorial Verses For Anniversaries


Here is an overview of who said us >>>

Free Aoe2 Full Version

PICNIC! FESTIVAL 2010 - A warm greeting

An email, after the festival.
We believe that sums up, along with photos of Fabio Boni, the spirit of the picnic. Simply send to a stranger, curious, beginners, amateurs and children love to draw.
Thank you all.

E 'was a beautiful day!
was good to see all those children to dwell with various illustrators, designers, cartoonists and return proud of their parents with the "trophy" dedicated to them.

I was impressed, beyond talent, the human side that is established between the people and artists, all played in that time frame pending receive the "gift-painting": dialogues, small conversations, laughter and delight in seeing a blank sheet of paper become a reality full of visual imagery.
I could see my daughter Valentina weave a special relationship with Cristiano Andreani.
today speaks of Christ like a friend. How nice!
And you know right now my daughters what they are doing?
A mini-home picnic. I'm here with so many sheets of A4, A3 sitting on the ground in the study that draw with colored pastellone: \u200b\u200bValentina admiring her tiranosauro rex made by Andreani that called BOOOB, and Eleanor trying to make a Batman ....
Think back!
And if they do my daughters probably some other child definitely will be doing the same thing thinking back to yesterday.
E se non è oggi lo sarà sicuramente nel prossimo futuro.
Per questo vi ringrazio, pensando a Gianni Rodari  che affermava: 
“un sasso  gettato in uno stagno suscita onde concentriche che si allargano sulla sua superficie, coinvolgendo nel loro moto, a distanze diverse, con diversi effetti oggetti che se ne stavano ciascuno per conto proprio”.

Inutile poi dire che mio marito Steve era in estasi. 
He thinks that to please me even more Nizzoli, yesterday morning when I brought home the beautiful watercolor, told me that is equal to Alessandro Gassmann ...
I told him I certainly would be happier if picnic festival instead Reggionarra!!

Finally I was very happy to have hosted Valentina, mate Gianluca Foli.
a nice person.
addition to greet us and thank us gave us a beautiful origami, with a note even more beautiful and moving.

Best wishes

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Are They Any Good Gay Guys In Pittsburgh?

Interview with Mark Nizzola

Interview with Marco Nizzoli by Youthless fanzine

What were the comics I read as a child? From what you have been most influential in comics?

I started like so many of my generation with the weekly Mickey Mouse and other books of similar size (Geppo, Mites, etc etc ...). Growing up I moved to Alan Ford and superheroes, but during adolescence, I discovered comic books and French authors who have changed the way I see the art of comics such as Hugo Pratt, Manara, Moebius, Patience. Even Manga has influenced me a lot, among the many authors and Otomo Myazachi.

What was your training? Have you done any special studies or is it the result of passion?

I attended the three-year post diploma Illustration of the European Institute of Milan.

In 1987 you worked on Alan Ford, what a thrill you felt in being able to work on a comic book "history" and in the hearts of so many people? Have you experienced as a show or as a beginning? It 'was this moment to mark your passage into the professional world of comics?

Excited and certainly very proud to have reached thanks to my stubbornness that I had a goal since I was 11-12 years. Being very young (18 years), I experienced as the beginning of a journey, in fact, after two years I was tired and so Max Bunker gave me the opportunity to graphically create his new character in Dark Angel.

I read the comics to teach at the school in Reggio Emilia ... like this is going to experience? I think you can teach drawing to anyone? What do you teach your students?

E' un'esperienza che mi sta dando molte soddisfazioni, ho iniziato come sfida con me stesso, perché per me era una cosa completamente nuova; essere in contatto con tante persone è molto stimolante e paradossalmente mi serve molto per crescere professionalmente e per trovare nuovi stimoli.
Io insegno "Prospettiva" agli allievi del corso di Fumetto e "Acquerello" agli allievi di Illustrazione.

E come sei arrivato a realizzare erotic pictures?

sensual female characters I've always drawn, when a few years ago I was asked to produce erotic stories I did it willingly, but in reality the production of erotic material is only a small part of my production.

What are your tools of the trade? Well from what you could never break away to work at your best?

I never tire of the traditional materials: pencils, ink, watercolors and paper. Obviously a lot of work in digital graphics tablet, but only for coloring the comic page and some illustrations. Being able to hold an original is a satisfaction to which I can not give up.

Graphic Novel Do you think the comics have finally cleared through customs, making "adult" or think that the strips designed to continue to be associated with "girls"?  

Non so se la graphic novel abbia sdoganato il fumetto, qualunque cosa va bene se il risultato è il suo sdoganamento ma la parola Graphic Novel vuol dire tutto e niente e già nei primi anni 70 c'erano autori come Will Eisner che trattavano tematiche e avevano un tipo di narrazione alternative al fumetto tradizionale, insomma, non si è inventato niente. Io poi molto spesso preferisco una storia di Dylan Dog alle pippe di certi autori che francamente sono solo autoreferenziali.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Speech For My Father Birthday

Interview ELIZABETH Oranges

Interview with Elizabeth Melarancio by Youthless fanzine

On your blog you call yourself an "idiot rare" esplicaci this concept ... the examples are always welcome.

Here ... "Pearl" seemed excessive and not very truthful ... Pirla mi si addice di più, soprattutto per le figure barbine che tendo a collezionare.

Mi sembra di capire che sei anche un’appassionata di musica, anche parecchio sotterranea…quando inizia questa vocazione? Vuoi consigliarci qualcosa? Compri musica o la scarichi illegalmente?

Peggio peggio, la mia cultura musicale è merito dei miei ex ragazzi e di una lunga relazione con un liutaio. Non mi sento di consigliare nulla, perché la musica va di pari passo al mio umore. Quello che oggi ascolto obsessively tomorrow can make me sick.
not buy it, nor exhaust me it appropriate to bring my friends to exhaustion with a refined technique ninja: to the penny "THEN ME LO FAI O NO THIS CD? "give up and burn.

play any instruments? And when you draw (obviously not playing) but it plays music?
I would have liked to learn play something, I would have satisfied even an ocarina, but the harsh truth is that they are genetically and totally denied to the music. To be honest not listen to it often when I draw, because I prefer to put a movie in the background.
Both are very focused when developing a kind of selective hearing, which cancels the ambient noise and amplifies the little voices in my head.

Festival Picnic At what are you going to? Do you have any idea ready to astonish the people of Reggio Emilia?

Um ... no, still no idea. Improvise at the time ...

Graphic Novel by Rapunzel ... enlighten us about it. ... What? What is it about the story? How did the idea? For those who will come?

So Rapunzel was the title of the original film was replaced with "Tangled" ed è la rivisitazione Disney della fiaba dei Grimm che uscirà nei cinema italiani a Natale 2010.
Il lancio in edicola della graphic novel a cui sto lavorando avverrà pertanto in contemporanea e, ovviamente, uscirà per Disney.
Sulla storia riserbo e omertà totali che se no mi tagliano le mani e la lingua con un machete nemmeno troppo affilato.

Che opere hai esposto alla tua mostra al Fusolab?  

E’ stata una bella soddisfazione, perché c’erano all’incirca 25 illustrazioni; in sostanza il materiale prodotto extra Disney e per mio personale diletto negli ultimi 2 anni….e poi tanti amici.

Disegnare è sempre un piacere o alle volte vorresti fare altro? Cosa faresti se non fossi disegnatrice? Facciamo una top cinque alla Nick Hornby dei tuoi lavori immaginari…
This I know.
Before deciding to become a designer I'd like to do:
_L'allenatrice of killer whales.
_The zoologist.
_The criminal psychologist (but if only I could work in prisons).
_The meter for jingles and commercials.

And not necessarily in that 'order. To answer the first part of the question, however, no, it's always a pleasure, especially when passion becomes work.

With designs usually what?

Using erasable crayons and pencils from the tip to the great layout and sketches. Then I finish mine with 05 or 03. To use the slippery slope Winsor & Newton Series 7 brushes and sheets strictly Schoeller.

What is your environment like to work? Follow ritual "magic" to focus? Desk in the total order or slaughter?

Um ... In recent years improved ...
Now I just have a bottle of Vetril near the table, while in its heyday I used to reset my plan to work every quarter of an hour to put everything back in place in the pencils 'case, disinfected and withdraw all out ... I am suffering from syndrome of rag. "
eh ... But I am healing very slowly. For the rest, I just need a table and a massive dose of sheets.

Walt Disney or Pixar? Choose who tear down the tower and tell me why ...

Mmmmm ...
You know what, in the end none of the two, rather than throw myself ... I
Disney cast I would have said, but it is true that I with their films are grown and I know very dovergli. I'm a nostalgic.

What comics read in your spare time?

What spare time? In my spare time I read a bit 'of everything, I do not have a favorite genre.
generally includes a balloon when the lightning fires, and sometimes I read a suggestion.

What are you working now?

Tangled precisely, but I'm almost finished ...
I say no if I change the subheading the film again ...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Ip Phone Delaers In Bangalore

We look forward to PICNIC! FESTIVAL

FESTIVAL 2010 Third edition of the Festival CAMPESTRE on comics.

QUANDO: Domenica 4 luglio
A CHE ORA: Dalle 10.00 alle 19.00 circa
DOVE: Reggio Emilia - Inizio del Parco ”Le Caprette” Via Monte Cisa  
(dalla stazione dei treni prendere il tram n.4 - Direzione Coviolo, fermata "San Pellegrino". L'ingresso del parco è dietro il fiorista Cilloni) .

All'ombra degli alberi sedetevi per partecipare al Picnic, stendete le tovaglie colorate, gustatevi le vivande portate da casa o acquistate sul luogo e... aprite gli occhi!
Per all day professional designers created drawings and dedications to the public.
Inside the park you will find a library, a space dedicated to children, a fountain and retail space with accessories, shirts, designer items and gourmet products.
A day "park" in the company of designers, writers and publishers of illustrated books and comics, for a country festival dedicated to the art of comics and illustration.


Throughout the day, in the heart of the Picnic, about twenty professional designers created for the public drawing original and signing their books.

Internationally renowned artists such as Richard Burchielli ( prestigious author of the Vertigo series DMZ and John Doe). There will stretch from the French fantasy refined and sensual Marco Nizzoli . And the imagination of an artist as eclectic as a Kafka Ausonia. From
stable Bonelli, Andrea designer Borgioli , designer Cassidy, and Massimo Bonfatti Cattivik and author of Pulp Leo, and the Disney Elizabeth Melarancio , the designer Witch. Among the illustrators
Philip Giordano, the winner of the "International Award for Illustration Illustrators Exhibition 2010" and France Ninie Soumagnac the author of the series Morsicotti . Also
Giacomo Nanni, Davide Gianfelice, Giulia Sagramola, Valerio Vidali, Eva Montanari, Alessandro Vitti, Andrea Accardi, Claudio Casini, Gianluca Foli, Evelyn Daviddi, Maddalena Gerli and Cristiano Andreani.


always looking for unconventional opportunities to promote the comic and illustration, the PICNIC! FESTIVAL presents space Fuorifoglio .
Fuorifoglio is a space where young designers can display and sell their creations (T-shirts, jewelry, paper works, installations).
Fuorifoglio want to let out the most obvious illustration of its medium, that is the book to show how it can be transformed into an element in an original way to wear and display.

year found T-shirts with irreverent Hot Milk , sweets jewelry Le Chou Chou , comics Passenger Press, forks bracelet John Scafuro and illustrated books in paper recovery Kreativehouse . Tires buttons and vintage jewelry by Julie Boccafogli and puppets and hats and Quisquilia Pinzillacchera .


The Picnic! Festival held along with Plastic Atom a new contest ART Toys, inviting artists to customize with colors, fabrics, paper, etc. .. . Señor Blanco in the toys PICNIC version. In the afternoon you can see the four winners color live together with the Toys Gianluca Foli Booth Atom Plastic.
And for those who want to draw? the morning the International School of Comics Reggio Emilia will be a workshop open to beginners comic and strollers of all ages.

All information on PICNIC! FESTIVAL 2010 at:
Organized by the Cultural Association PICNIC!

Municipality of Reggio Emilia Circoscizione South Arci Nuova Associazione, BCLA - Délégation Culturelle / Alliance Française of Bologna, Northwest Consumers Coop, Coldiretti, Health Valley, CNA, Enia, RAM Reggiana Mineral waters, saldapress, Delicatessen , ZOOlibri, Atom Plastic, B & B Nonnananna.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Degenerative Nerve Disease Stomach

At Picnic! Festival: YES MANGIA E SI BEVE!


the festival's food outlets find bread, pork, beer on tap, and Pepsi.
And if not enough you can even buy organic products of Coldiretti and lay your picnic!
Remember the tablecloth!


The center of the park at that hour starts dumpling to distribute to the hungry!

and snacks for children?

Coop found the stand of the line of organic snacks Club 4-10: without dyes, hydrogenated fats, GMOs and a reduced use of preservatives.
How to say? Arts healthy body, healthy ...

you thirsty?

Et voila! Here appears the fountain mobile ENI with drinking water ... FREE!

Unsecured Personal Loans

Vuoi un disegno? SCEGLI IL TUO TURNO!

altrerneranno cartoonists and illustrators to the drawing board throughout the day Sunday, July 4, from 10:00 to 19:00.

you choose which artist you draw a picture? Here all rounds of the authors .
WARNING: This table may be delayed until Sunday.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Safenet Sentinel Superpro

Al Picnic! Festival non ci si annoia mai!


This year the Picnic! Festival organized in collaboration Atom Plastic , a competition ARTICLE Toys , inviting artists to customize with colors, fabrics, paper, etc ... the toy Señor Blanco version PICNIC .

In the afternoon, the stand of Plastic Atom, you can see the four winners color live with the toys Gianluca Foli .


Come si fa un fumetto?
Quante sono le cose che si devono fare per disegnare una pagina?

A queste domande risponderà 
Matteo Casali , sceneggiatore e docente presso la Scuola Internazionale di Comics di Reggio Emilia, al  Laboratorio dedicato all’arte di  "fare fumetti" .

Esperimenti narrativi e visivi portati a termine con la matita in pugno e la voglia di scoprire qualche segreto di un mestiere che affascina da sempre grandi e piccini.
Il laboratorio si svolgerà  domenica 4 luglio durante il Picnic Festival, dalle ore 11.00  fino all'ora di pranzo.

The workshop is free and open to curious beginners.
Participants must booked at the information point of the festival the same day.