Interview with Marco Nizzoli by Youthless fanzine
What were the comics I read as a child? From what you have been most influential in comics?
What were the comics I read as a child? From what you have been most influential in comics?
I started like so many of my generation with the weekly Mickey Mouse and other books of similar size (Geppo, Mites, etc etc ...). Growing up I moved to Alan Ford and superheroes, but during adolescence, I discovered comic books and French authors who have changed the way I see the art of comics such as Hugo Pratt, Manara, Moebius, Patience. Even Manga has influenced me a lot, among the many authors and Otomo Myazachi.

I attended the three-year post diploma Illustration of the European Institute of Milan.
In 1987 you worked on Alan Ford, what a thrill you felt in being able to work on a comic book "history" and in the hearts of so many people? Have you experienced as a show or as a beginning? It 'was this moment to mark your passage into the professional world of comics?
Excited and certainly very proud to have reached thanks to my stubbornness that I had a goal since I was 11-12 years. Being very young (18 years), I experienced as the beginning of a journey, in fact, after two years I was tired and so Max Bunker gave me the opportunity to graphically create his new character in Dark Angel.
Excited and certainly very proud to have reached thanks to my stubbornness that I had a goal since I was 11-12 years. Being very young (18 years), I experienced as the beginning of a journey, in fact, after two years I was tired and so Max Bunker gave me the opportunity to graphically create his new character in Dark Angel.

E' un'esperienza che mi sta dando molte soddisfazioni, ho iniziato come sfida con me stesso, perché per me era una cosa completamente nuova; essere in contatto con tante persone è molto stimolante e paradossalmente mi serve molto per crescere professionalmente e per trovare nuovi stimoli.
Io insegno "Prospettiva" agli allievi del corso di Fumetto e "Acquerello" agli allievi di Illustrazione.
E come sei arrivato a realizzare erotic pictures?
sensual female characters I've always drawn, when a few years ago I was asked to produce erotic stories I did it willingly, but in reality the production of erotic material is only a small part of my production.
What are your tools of the trade? Well from what you could never break away to work at your best?
I never tire of the traditional materials: pencils, ink, watercolors and paper. Obviously a lot of work in digital graphics tablet, but only for coloring the comic page and some illustrations. Being able to hold an original is a satisfaction to which I can not give up.
Graphic Novel Do you think the comics have finally cleared through customs, making "adult" or think that the strips designed to continue to be associated with "girls"?
Non so se la graphic novel abbia sdoganato il fumetto, qualunque cosa va bene se il risultato è il suo sdoganamento ma la parola Graphic Novel vuol dire tutto e niente e già nei primi anni 70 c'erano autori come Will Eisner che trattavano tematiche e avevano un tipo di narrazione alternative al fumetto tradizionale, insomma, non si è inventato niente. Io poi molto spesso preferisco una storia di Dylan Dog alle pippe di certi autori che francamente sono solo autoreferenziali.
Non so se la graphic novel abbia sdoganato il fumetto, qualunque cosa va bene se il risultato è il suo sdoganamento ma la parola Graphic Novel vuol dire tutto e niente e già nei primi anni 70 c'erano autori come Will Eisner che trattavano tematiche e avevano un tipo di narrazione alternative al fumetto tradizionale, insomma, non si è inventato niente. Io poi molto spesso preferisco una storia di Dylan Dog alle pippe di certi autori che francamente sono solo autoreferenziali.
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