Interview ELIZABETH Oranges Interview with Elizabeth Melarancio by Youthless fanzine On your blog you call yourself an "idiot rare" esplicaci this concept ... the examples are always welcome. Here ... "Pearl" seemed excessive and not very truthful ... Pirla mi si addice di più, soprattutto per le figure barbine che tendo a collezionare.
Mi sembra di capire che sei anche un’appassionata di musica, anche parecchio sotterranea…quando inizia questa vocazione? Vuoi consigliarci qualcosa? Compri musica o la scarichi illegalmente?
Peggio peggio, la mia cultura musicale è merito dei miei ex ragazzi e di una lunga relazione con un liutaio. Non mi sento di consigliare nulla, perché la musica va di pari passo al mio umore. Quello che oggi ascolto obsessively tomorrow can make me sick.
not buy it, nor exhaust me it appropriate to bring my friends to exhaustion with a refined technique ninja: to the penny "THEN ME LO FAI O NO THIS CD? "give up and burn.
play any instruments? And when you draw (obviously not playing) but it plays music?
I would have liked to learn play something, I would have satisfied even an ocarina, but the harsh truth is that they are genetically and totally denied to the music. To be honest not listen to it often when I draw, because I prefer to put a movie in the background.
Both are very focused when developing a kind of selective hearing, which cancels the ambient noise and amplifies the little voices in my head.
Festival Picnic At what are you going to? Do you have any idea ready to astonish the people of Reggio Emilia?
Um ... no, still no idea. Improvise at the time ...
Graphic Novel by Rapunzel ... enlighten us about it. ... What? What is it about the story? How did the idea? For those who will come?
So Rapunzel was the title of the original film was replaced with "Tangled" ed è la rivisitazione Disney della fiaba dei Grimm che uscirà nei cinema italiani a Natale 2010.
Il lancio in edicola della graphic novel a cui sto lavorando avverrà pertanto in contemporanea e, ovviamente, uscirà per Disney.
Sulla storia riserbo e omertà totali che se no mi tagliano le mani e la lingua con un machete nemmeno troppo affilato.
Che opere hai esposto alla tua mostra al Fusolab?
E’ stata una bella soddisfazione, perché c’erano all’incirca 25 illustrazioni; in sostanza il materiale prodotto extra Disney e per mio personale diletto negli ultimi 2 anni….e poi tanti amici.
Disegnare è sempre un piacere o alle volte vorresti fare altro? Cosa faresti se non fossi disegnatrice? Facciamo una top cinque alla Nick Hornby dei tuoi lavori immaginari…
This I know.
Before deciding to become a designer I'd like to do:
_L'allenatrice of killer whales.
_The zoologist.
_The criminal psychologist (but if only I could work in prisons).
_The meter for jingles and commercials.
And not necessarily in that 'order. To answer the first part of the question, however, no, it's always a pleasure, especially when passion becomes work.
With designs usually what?
Using erasable crayons and pencils from the tip to the great layout and sketches. Then I finish mine with 05 or 03. To use the slippery slope Winsor & Newton Series 7 brushes and sheets strictly Schoeller.
What is your environment like to work? Follow ritual "magic" to focus? Desk in the total order or slaughter?
Um ... In recent years improved ...
Now I just have a bottle of Vetril near the table, while in its heyday I used to reset my plan to work every quarter of an hour to put everything back in place in the pencils 'case, disinfected and withdraw all out ... I am suffering from syndrome of rag. "
eh ... But I am healing very slowly. For the rest, I just need a table and a massive dose of sheets.
Walt Disney or Pixar? Choose who tear down the tower and tell me why ...
Mmmmm ...
You know what, in the end none of the two, rather than throw myself ... I
Disney cast I would have said, but it is true that I with their films are grown and I know very dovergli. I'm a nostalgic.
What comics read in your spare time?
What spare time? In my spare time I read a bit 'of everything, I do not have a favorite genre.
generally includes a balloon when the lightning fires, and sometimes I read a suggestion.
What are you working now?
Tangled precisely, but I'm almost finished ...
I say no if I change the subheading the film again ...