Saturday, August 30, 2008

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Smalti veneziani, specchi, tessere, legni, resine, tessuti, oro e polveri
AUTHOR Filippo Maria Patella.
TITLE AND DATE Mandala 2 / 1990.
MATERIALS smalti originals (Ugo Donà & Sons Company - weaving in and dust), mirrors, wood, ink, textiles, gold and synthetic resins.
TECHNICAL mixed assemblages of mosaic enamels, tiles, mirrors, wood, painted fabrics, pyrographs, inks, and gold dust.
STATE perfect (see picture at lower resolution).
The work is branded with numbers on the back of the mandala, the year logo and the author.
work is attached is the Certificate of Authenticity (signed by the author) with pictures and technical details, and the warranty of the present owner with photos of the work.
topic pages
CG Jung explains: "The Sanskrit word mandala means circle in general. In the context of religious practices and in psychology it means circular images that you can draw, paint ... Very often contain a mandala or quaternity multiple of four in the shape of a cross, star, square ... In alchemy this is why it has taken the form of squaring Circular. G. Poulet, quoting a passage from Rousseau's Lettres, compares the condition of those who delves into his life with that of a spider at the center of its web: "Let us become once again ourselves, with the focus on us, with our soul circumscribe the same limits that nature has given to our being in a word where we start collecting, so looking to know, is to be simultaneously present before us all that we are composed. " About the mandala, the problems related to implementing technology in the mosaic (materials, techniques and timing of enforcement action) and research in art of Master Filippo Maria Patella visit the blog:
in 1990 were performed by the Master Patella 2 mosaics and one here has a significant value as it is one of the few that has the mirrors. The graphics architecture of this mandala is unique as it has been used many different materials, woods (naked, painted and colored by various forms), painted fabrics to accentuate the story, brick tiles used as dividers, dust created by grinding manually tiles. All materials are mosaics of the ancient Hugh Donà & Sons Company, no longer active in Venice. The experts of the mosaic can evaluate the technical difficulties that Master Patella has passed to make glass surfaces from very light shades, all included in geometric contexts enabled the construction of a mandala where the mirrors broken and repositioned to the four corners of a square mark the border to within which the symbols of 'I Ching indicate the artist's cultural past. The symbolism of the mirror is full of meanings (mostly those related to the act of breaking and reconstruction), in this case, these meanings are closely related to the I Ching, in general, as you can see the eight combinations basilari dei segni fissi e variabili. Quattro lettere in alfabeto greco marcano i quattro angoli del quadrato più grande. Si dovrebbe continuare a recensire questo mosaico ma si toglierebbe il gusto della scoperta di tutti i significati correlati alla ricerca sui mandala e non solo su quelli.
Un’opera d’arte, in generale (una scultura, una tela, una stampa), comporta dei costi materiali (materie prime usate, tempi e qualità della manodopera) e dei costi immateriali (ricerca artistica specifica, valore aggiunto dato dall’artista e dalla sua storia personale). Un mosaico richiede tempi lunghi che, nel caso specifico dell’artista in oggetto, can be quantified in an average of 5 hours of work in order to fully an area of \u200b\u200b100x100mm (a square of 10 cm per side). This mosaic took about 240 hours of manual labor. And these are mandatory minimum time may increase but certainly can not be shortened. An additional burden is the fact that glassy materials (tiles in various thicknesses) - by their nature expensive - are to be ordered directly from the factory in Murano and / or in the immediate vicinity. Lastly, add the technique used by the artist, that is, to pulverize a large number of the smalti and unwind in homogeneous backgrounds and / or in combination: a rare technical, innovative and surprising results. Technique In this case surfaces shows powder shades "technically" valuable and unsurpassed.
Mosaic is available at:

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smalti, tile, wood, resin, sand, silver, gold and powder
AUTHOR Filippo Maria Patella.
TITLE AND DATE Mandala 4 / 1994.
MATERIALS smalti originals (Ugo Donà & Sons Company - weaving in and dust), wood, sand, silver, gold and synthetic resins.
TECHNICAL mixed assemblages of mosaic enamels, tiles, wood, sand, silver, and gold dust.
STATE perfect (see picture at lower resolution).
The work is branded on both the front and the date of execution and initials, and numbers on the back of the mandala, and logo of the year.
work is attached is the Certificate of Authenticity (signed by the author) with pictures and technical details, and the warranty of the present owner with photos of the work.
topic pages
CG Jung explains: "The Sanskrit word mandala means circle in general. In the context of religious practices and in psychology it means circular images that can be drawn, Very often, the mandala painting ... quaternity contain a multiple of four or in the form of a cross, star, square ... In alchemy this is why it has taken the form of squaring Circular. G. Poulet, quoting a passage from Rousseau's Lettres, compares the condition of those who delves into his life with that of a spider at the center of its web: "Let us become once again ourselves, with the focus on us, with our soul with the limit same limits that nature has given to our being, in a word where we start collecting, so looking to know, you may call at the same time in front of us all that we are composed. " About the mandala, the problems related executive Mosaic Technology (materials, techniques and timing of enforcement action) and research in art of Master Filippo Maria Patella visit the blog:

in 1994 were performed by the Master Patella 8 mosaics and one here has a significant value as it is one of those made with smalti original ancient Ugo Donà & Sons Company, a company no longer active in Venice. Glazes have the character to be very thick: well, I know, these glazes are no longer in production and thus add to the mandala is a unique added value. The thickness of the glazes - interspersed by the various surfaces of the shades - creates textured paths that the photos (unfortunately necessarily low resolution) can not communicate. Glazes are glassy materials intimately changing colors as the color was not added to the surface but is part of the glass material itself. Add the reflectivity of glass surfaces, debris, resins incorporated with silver, gold and sand tones slight. Around the central square of a "symbolic desert sandy surface with pale golden mosaic isolates the nucleus from the little frame of wood: one created by the surface in one working session and that presents enormous technical difficulties (the experts of the mosaic will comprendeno the entity). The small square Central consists of gold tiles that absorb the attention is focused from the outside through the woods from time and soaked through the reflections of the flakes vague in the center circle. The mandala has a point to refer to, is held from a particular other and is repeated continuously. We should continue to review this mosaic, but it would take away the taste of the discovery of all significantly correlated with research on the mandala. DEFINITION COST-BASED
work of art in general (a sculpture, a painting, print), involves material costs (raw materials used, time and quality of labor) and intangible costs (search for specific artists, value added given by the artist and his personal history). A mosaic requires time-consuming, in this case the artist in question, can be quantified in an average of 5 hours of work in order to fully an area of \u200b\u200b100x100mm (a square of 10 cm per side). This mosaic took about 250 hours of manual labor. And these are mandatory minimum time may increase but certainly can not be shortened. An additional burden is the fact that glassy materials (tiles in various thicknesses) - by their nature expensive - are to be ordered directly from the factory in Murano and / or in the immediate vicinity. Lastly, add the technique used by the artist, that is, to pulverize a large number of the smalti and unwind in homogeneous backgrounds and / or in combination: a rare technical, innovative and surprising results. In this mosaic powder in the backgrounds of the results achieved truly exemplary.

Does Plucking Give You Ingrown Hairs


smalti, tile, wood, resins, gold and powder
AUTHOR Filippo Maria Patella.
TITLE AND DATE Mandala 1 / 1989.
9 45x945mm.
MATERIALS smalti originals (Ugo Donà & Sons Company - weaving in and dust), wood, gold and synthetic resins.
TECHNICAL mixed assemblages of mosaic enamel, fabric, wood, and gold dust.
STATE perfect (see picture at lower resolution).
The work is branded on the front and the date of execution and name of the author.
work is attached is the Certificate of Authenticity (signed by the author) with pictures and technical details, and the warranty of the present owner with photos of the work.
topic pages
CG Jung explains: "The Sanskrit word mandala means circle in general. In the context of religious practices and in psychology it means circular images that you can draw, paint ... Very often contain mandala quaternity or a multiple of four in the shape of a cross, star, square ... In alchemy this is why it has taken the form of squaring Circular. G. Poulet, quoting a passage from Rousseau's Lettres, compares the condition of those who delves into his life with that of a spider at the center of its web: "Let us become once again ourselves, with the focus on us, with our soul with the limit same limits that nature has given to our being, in a word where we start collecting, so looking to know, you may call at the same time in front of us all that we are composed. " About the mandala, the problems related to implementing technology in the mosaic (materials, techniques and timing of enforcement action) and research in art of Master Filippo Maria Patella visit the blog:
The mandala above is one of the most representative of mosaics and mosaic techniques of research Patella. In 1989 only 2 mosaics were made of considerable size, both with materials to weave large (enamel and marble). The mandala here has a value close to one as it has been made with smalti original ancient Ugo Donà & Sons Company, a company no longer active in Venice. The glazes have the character to be very thick: well, I know, these glazes are no longer in production and thus add to the mandala is a unique added value. The thickness of the glazes - interspersed by the various surfaces of the shades - creates textured paths that the photos (unfortunately necessarily low resolution) can not communicate. Glazes are glassy materials intimately changing colors as the color was not added to the surface but is part of the material glass itself. Add the reflectivity of glass surfaces, of painted wood, resins incorporated with gold dust and very light tones. The center of the mandala the constellation Cancer is found in small gold pieces, immersed in a sea of \u200b\u200bpowder blue. You should continue to review the mosaic but take away the taste of the discovery of all significantly correlated with research on mandala.
work of art in general (a sculpture, a painting, print), involves material costs (raw materials used, time and quality of labor) and intangible costs (artistic specific added value given by the artist and his personal history). A mosaic requires time-consuming, in this case the artist in question, can be quantified in an average of 5 hours of work in order to fully an area of \u200b\u200b100x100mm (a square of 10 cm per side). This mosaic took about 230 hours of manual labor. And these are mandatory minimum time may increase but certainly can not be shortened. An additional burden is the fact that glassy materials (tiles in various thicknesses) - by their nature expensive - are to be ordered directly from the factory in Murano and / or in the immediate vicinity. Lastly, add the technique used by the artist, namely that to pulverize a large number of the smalti and unwind in homogeneous backgrounds and / or in combination: a rare technical, innovative and surprising results. For information