Thursday, December 4, 2008

Walkei Home Made Antenna

MOSAIC 16/1983
Octagon with "gardens" of dust
AUTHOR Filippo Maria Patella.
TITLE AND DATE Mosaic 16/1983.
300mm side.
MATERIALS smalti original (Ugo Donà & Sons Company - Cards and dust) and synthetic resins.
TECHNICAL mixed assemblages of mosaic tiles, powders and synthetic resins.
STATE perfect (see picture at lower resolution).
The work is branded on the back with the name, year and serial number.
work is attached is the Certificate of Authenticity (signed by the author) with pictures and technical details, and the warranty of the present owner with photos of the work.
Some issues related to implementing technology in the mosaic (materials, techniques and timing of enforcement action) and research in art of Master Filippo Maria Patella visit the blog:
in 1983 have only been four mosaics, a different technique. It is a mosaic "special" cards backgrounds (few and irregular) and dust in areas coloristic warm and cold tones of black and white. The eye sweeps over the surface to rest on finding specific angles fascinating details and material exactly as you can only see from the photos. The "gardens" of dust are to the artist a very innovative features from the aesthetic results. COST-BASED DEFINITION

A work art in general (a sculpture, a painting, print), involves material costs (raw materials used, time and quality of labor) and intangible costs (search for specific artists, added value given by the artist and his personal history). A mosaic requires time-consuming, in this case the artist in question, can be quantified in an average of 5 hours of work in order to fully an area of \u200b\u200b100x100mm (a square of 10 cm per side). This mosaic took about 140 hours of manual labor. And these are mandatory minimum time may increase but certainly can not be shortened. For information

How To Use Digital Antennas

MOSAIC MOSAIC 16/1983 2 / 1984 12/1983

MOSAICO 2/1984
Tessere e polveri dal freddo al caldo
AUTORE Filippo Maria Patella.
TITOLO E DATA Mosaico 2/1984.
SUPPORTO Legno listellare.
MATERIALI Smalti veneziani originali (Ditta Ugo Donà & Figli - tessere e in polveri), dallas, marble, painted wood and synthetic resins.
TECHNICAL mixed assemblages of marble mosaic, tiles, dallas, painted wood, powders and synthetic resins.
STATE perfect (see picture at lower resolution).
The work is marked on the front with the name of the author and year of composition in a small transparent plate and back - branded - with the name, year and serial number.
work is attached is the Certificate of Authenticity (signed by the author) with pictures and technical details, and the warranty of the present owner with photos of the work. Some issues related to executive
Mosaic Technology (materials, techniques and timing of enforcement action) and research in art of Master Filippo Maria Patella visit the blog: /
in 1984 have only been three mosaics, a different technique. This is the only mosaic yet available, the other two are in private collections. It is a mosaic "classic" cards and backgrounds of dust in areas coloristic hot and cold. The eye sweeps over the surface to rest on finding specific angles fascinating details and material exactly as you can only see from the photos. Do you see cards with mechanical cutting and weaving by hand. The "gardens" of dust are to the artist a very innovative features from the aesthetic results.
work of art in general (a sculpture, a painting, print), involves material costs (raw materials used, time and quality of labor) and intangible costs (research Art specific added value given by the artist and his personal history). A mosaic requires time-consuming, in this case the artist in question, can be quantified in an average of 5 hours of work in order to fully an area of \u200b\u200b100x100mm (a square of 10 cm per side). This Mosaic took about 300 hours of manual labor. And these are mandatory minimum time may increase but certainly can not be shortened.
Mosaic is available on the site.

World's Most Beautiful Vajinas

MOSAIC 12 / 1983
Marmi in 10 Tipologie e Tonalità
CODICE 8-1983-12-11-25.
AUTORE Filippo Maria Patella.
TITOLO E DATA Mosaico 12/1983.
SUPPORTO Legno listellare.
MATERIALI Smalti veneziani originali (Ditta Ugo Donà & Figli - in polveri), marmi, legni dipinti e resine sintetiche.
TECNICA Mista con assemblaggi di mosaico in marmi, legni dipinti, polveri e resine sintetiche.
STATO Perfetto (ved. FOTO a bassa risoluzione).
L’opera è marchiata a fire on the front with the name of the author and on the back with the name, year and serial number.
work is attached is the Certificate of Authenticity (signed by the author) with pictures and technical details, and the warranty of the present owner with photos of the work.
Some issues related to implementing technology in the mosaic (materials, techniques and timing of enforcement action) and research in art of Master Filippo Maria Patella visit the blog:
http:/ / /
in 1983 have only been four mosaics, a different technique. It is a mosaic "classical" backgrounds of 10 different types of marble tiles with various sizes. Two painted wood and input of dust. The colors of marble range from pure white to black in Spain.
work of art in general (a sculpture, a painting, print), involves material costs (raw materials used, time and quality of labor) and intangible costs (research Art specific added value given by the artist and his personal history). A mosaic requires time-consuming, in this case the artist in question, can be quantified in an average of 5 hours of work for fully implementing an area of \u200b\u200b100x100mm (a square of 10 cm per side). This mosaic took about 80 hours of manual labor. And these are mandatory minimum time may increase but certainly can not be shortened. For information

Lightweight Compact Scope


Pentagon, dust, painted fabrics, synthetic resins, gold
AUTHOR Filippo Maria Patella.
TITLE AND DATE Mandala 2 / 1992.
480mm. each side of the pentagon. INNER CIRCLE SIZE
480mm. diameter of the circle.
MATERIALS smalti originals (Ugo Donà & Sons Company - in the dust), painted wood, gold and synthetic resins.
TECHNICAL Mixed assemblies with Mosaic, powder, gold, synthetic resins and wood paintings.
STATE perfect (see picture at lower resolution).
The work is branded on both the front with initials, is on back numbers of the mandala, the year of the author and logo.
work is attached is the Certificate of Authenticity (signed by the author) with pictures and technical details, and the warranty of the present owner with photos of the work.
topic pages
CG Jung explains: "The Sanskrit word mandala means circle in general. In the context of religious practices and in psychology it means circular images that you can draw, paint ... Very often contain a mandala or quaternity multiple of four in the shape of a cross, star, square ... In alchemy this is why it has taken the form of squaring Circular. G. Poulet, citing a passage from Rousseau's Lettres, compares the condition of those who delves into his life with that of a spider at the center of its web: "Let us become once again ourselves, with the focus on us, with our soul circumscribe the same limits Nature has given to our being, in a word where we start collecting, so looking to know, you may call at the same time in front of us all that we are composed. " About the mandala, the problems related to implementing technology in the mosaic (materials, techniques and timing of enforcement action) and research in art of Master Filippo Maria Patella visit the blog:
in 1992 were performed by the Master Patella 5 mosaics and this one here has a significant value as it is one of those made with smalti original ancient Ugo Donà & Sons Company, a company no longer active in Venice. Glazes are glassy materials intimately changing colors as the color was not added to the surface but is integral part of the glass material itself. Add the reflectivity of glass surfaces, resins incorporated with gold-toned lightweight. A symbolic circle around the central area varied multicolored with shades of powder (not visible in photo) isolates the nucleus from the little frame mosaic of wood: one created by the surface in one working session and that presents enormous technical difficulties (experts mosaic will include the entity). The center circle absorbs the attention that in turn includes a square of gold dust that contains within it a circle opalescent resin, interspersed with a Greek cross with inserts of dust of various colors, but the grain evenly. Yes should continue to review this mosaic, but it would take away the taste of the discovery of all significantly correlated with research on the mandala.
work of art in general (a sculpture, a painting, print), involves material costs (raw materials used, time and quality of the workforce) and intangible costs (search for specific artists, added value given by the artist and his personal history). A mosaic requires time-consuming, in this case the artist in question, can be quantified in an average of 5 hours of work in order to fully an area of \u200b\u200b100x100mm (a square di 10 cm di lato). Questo mosaico ha richiesto circa 100 ore di lavoro manuale. E questi tempi minimi sono inderogabili, possono aumentare ma sicuramente non possono essere accorciati. Un ulteriore aggravio è la circostanza che i materiali vetrosi (tessere a vari spessori) - per loro natura costosi - sono da acquistare solo direttamente in fabbrica, a Murano e/o nelle immediate vicinanze. Si aggiunga infine la tecnica usata dall’artista, quella cioè di polverizzare in grane diverse gli smalti veneziani e distenderli in campiture omogenee e/o miscelate: una tecnica rara, innovativa e dai risultati sorprendenti. In questo mosaico le campiture in polveri hanno raggiunto dei risultati veramente esemplari.
Il mosaico è disponibile sul sito:

Monday, October 13, 2008

Minimal Change Disease Heart Rate

The money is never enough

I do not want the victim because who am I to do it?
With the crisis and the collapse of stock exchanges who knows how many have already committed suicide.
In the end, however, their cocks are months that many people including myself said that everything would collapse in the autumn, to withdraw money from banks and buy land and seeds.
Things always know before, especially the big things, because there are abnormal movements of the market, enough to be able to read between the lines, you can predict the future, I touched his hand. But in the case
staff I am always in the shit with the money, we make a commitment, no disco, no dinner out, no pay for clothing, work from Monday to Sunday all day, and every time there's sticks from the paper credit. Other
that comfort and convenience at the end virtualize the money was the greatest invention in the ass to put it, spend not see anything coming out, then maybe you find yourself to be paid € 3000 on 15 of the month and you wonder ..... .... but how the hell is this possible?
Then I think of those people who did not want to make a cock, running, spending is fun, but as fuck it?
But because the only died of hunger at the end am I working?
But now we have come, why, because if I did things to fuck putting a tenth of the time I would be rich, but until they are as I will not surrender, and if this shit makes me honor, but it keeps me empty pockets .
Or maybe I am a visionary, might not work because I think maybe I lose time, maybe ...
ahuuhua, ridiculous, money is a debt at the ECB, if I give the bank more money the more unfair, rigraziarmi should I go to red, because it decreases the capital and therefore the debt, nooo, I kill with fees from wear, money because they are beautiful, give buying power, they have no coverage, are paper with a nominal value, but who cares .... give purchasing power and then you wi money. W
the money a nice cock!, Shit was Italian and the other governed by the Freemasons, I do not want the money fuck's sake, I want the points on a map, that if I make my ass I can use them to eat, to live, I will not fucking piece of paper.
I want to have the opportunity to live life, I do not want to go low, because of assholes 4 Masons of shit that command.
W la revolution!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cover Letter For A Trainee Dental Nurse

Assembly chair ikea

several days ago I decided to make a leap to 'Ikea \u200b\u200band buy a new chair, when I sat up all, the only convenient that I found I am the bought it, too bad for almost 200 € I had to pay, but it was worth it.
I decided to take while the hills and speed up the video.
Enjoy: D

Magic Shaving Powder Pubic Hair

accelerated awakening from a dream.

I'm going to write, I will not leave alone my readers, my little flock of depressed sensitive.
I planted the drugs, particularly paroxetine, it was not easy, but slowly I am an engineer, making smaller and smaller doses with a knife until you reach a quarter of a tablet, then are left without.
Dura awaken from a sleep of several months, months of total detachment, But many things have passed me.
It 's the first time I can say that in my esisteza another person saved my life by simply writing on a sheet of paper one word which gave me access to the pill of happiness.
For the first time I thank the Italian government for giving me the opportunity to heal from the evil of my life, at least temporarily for 2 € a box, making me pay the ticket only.
Son were and still are heavy days, agitated, when I wake talvola avendocela with everyone, with all those people who helped make the world a shit and I can not touch.
I wake up and send to fuck 'em all, at it from certain angles it is also hilarious, as not to appreciate a person who bursts out in his pajamas screaming "God is a dirty voyeourista not want to be spied on while I go to denounce the process."
Provisionally to keep me calm keep Xanax on hand, then I calm during the day, the morning is that it is tragic. However
depleted throughout Italy brace yourself, one day we will win, I do not know what and where but we will win.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

South Park Party Supplies South Park?


Smalti veneziani, specchi, tessere, legni, resine, tessuti, oro e polveri
AUTHOR Filippo Maria Patella.
TITLE AND DATE Mandala 2 / 1990.
MATERIALS smalti originals (Ugo Donà & Sons Company - weaving in and dust), mirrors, wood, ink, textiles, gold and synthetic resins.
TECHNICAL mixed assemblages of mosaic enamels, tiles, mirrors, wood, painted fabrics, pyrographs, inks, and gold dust.
STATE perfect (see picture at lower resolution).
The work is branded with numbers on the back of the mandala, the year logo and the author.
work is attached is the Certificate of Authenticity (signed by the author) with pictures and technical details, and the warranty of the present owner with photos of the work.
topic pages
CG Jung explains: "The Sanskrit word mandala means circle in general. In the context of religious practices and in psychology it means circular images that you can draw, paint ... Very often contain a mandala or quaternity multiple of four in the shape of a cross, star, square ... In alchemy this is why it has taken the form of squaring Circular. G. Poulet, quoting a passage from Rousseau's Lettres, compares the condition of those who delves into his life with that of a spider at the center of its web: "Let us become once again ourselves, with the focus on us, with our soul circumscribe the same limits that nature has given to our being in a word where we start collecting, so looking to know, is to be simultaneously present before us all that we are composed. " About the mandala, the problems related to implementing technology in the mosaic (materials, techniques and timing of enforcement action) and research in art of Master Filippo Maria Patella visit the blog:
in 1990 were performed by the Master Patella 2 mosaics and one here has a significant value as it is one of the few that has the mirrors. The graphics architecture of this mandala is unique as it has been used many different materials, woods (naked, painted and colored by various forms), painted fabrics to accentuate the story, brick tiles used as dividers, dust created by grinding manually tiles. All materials are mosaics of the ancient Hugh Donà & Sons Company, no longer active in Venice. The experts of the mosaic can evaluate the technical difficulties that Master Patella has passed to make glass surfaces from very light shades, all included in geometric contexts enabled the construction of a mandala where the mirrors broken and repositioned to the four corners of a square mark the border to within which the symbols of 'I Ching indicate the artist's cultural past. The symbolism of the mirror is full of meanings (mostly those related to the act of breaking and reconstruction), in this case, these meanings are closely related to the I Ching, in general, as you can see the eight combinations basilari dei segni fissi e variabili. Quattro lettere in alfabeto greco marcano i quattro angoli del quadrato più grande. Si dovrebbe continuare a recensire questo mosaico ma si toglierebbe il gusto della scoperta di tutti i significati correlati alla ricerca sui mandala e non solo su quelli.
Un’opera d’arte, in generale (una scultura, una tela, una stampa), comporta dei costi materiali (materie prime usate, tempi e qualità della manodopera) e dei costi immateriali (ricerca artistica specifica, valore aggiunto dato dall’artista e dalla sua storia personale). Un mosaico richiede tempi lunghi che, nel caso specifico dell’artista in oggetto, can be quantified in an average of 5 hours of work in order to fully an area of \u200b\u200b100x100mm (a square of 10 cm per side). This mosaic took about 240 hours of manual labor. And these are mandatory minimum time may increase but certainly can not be shortened. An additional burden is the fact that glassy materials (tiles in various thicknesses) - by their nature expensive - are to be ordered directly from the factory in Murano and / or in the immediate vicinity. Lastly, add the technique used by the artist, that is, to pulverize a large number of the smalti and unwind in homogeneous backgrounds and / or in combination: a rare technical, innovative and surprising results. Technique In this case surfaces shows powder shades "technically" valuable and unsurpassed.
Mosaic is available at:

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smalti, tile, wood, resin, sand, silver, gold and powder
AUTHOR Filippo Maria Patella.
TITLE AND DATE Mandala 4 / 1994.
MATERIALS smalti originals (Ugo Donà & Sons Company - weaving in and dust), wood, sand, silver, gold and synthetic resins.
TECHNICAL mixed assemblages of mosaic enamels, tiles, wood, sand, silver, and gold dust.
STATE perfect (see picture at lower resolution).
The work is branded on both the front and the date of execution and initials, and numbers on the back of the mandala, and logo of the year.
work is attached is the Certificate of Authenticity (signed by the author) with pictures and technical details, and the warranty of the present owner with photos of the work.
topic pages
CG Jung explains: "The Sanskrit word mandala means circle in general. In the context of religious practices and in psychology it means circular images that can be drawn, Very often, the mandala painting ... quaternity contain a multiple of four or in the form of a cross, star, square ... In alchemy this is why it has taken the form of squaring Circular. G. Poulet, quoting a passage from Rousseau's Lettres, compares the condition of those who delves into his life with that of a spider at the center of its web: "Let us become once again ourselves, with the focus on us, with our soul with the limit same limits that nature has given to our being, in a word where we start collecting, so looking to know, you may call at the same time in front of us all that we are composed. " About the mandala, the problems related executive Mosaic Technology (materials, techniques and timing of enforcement action) and research in art of Master Filippo Maria Patella visit the blog:

in 1994 were performed by the Master Patella 8 mosaics and one here has a significant value as it is one of those made with smalti original ancient Ugo Donà & Sons Company, a company no longer active in Venice. Glazes have the character to be very thick: well, I know, these glazes are no longer in production and thus add to the mandala is a unique added value. The thickness of the glazes - interspersed by the various surfaces of the shades - creates textured paths that the photos (unfortunately necessarily low resolution) can not communicate. Glazes are glassy materials intimately changing colors as the color was not added to the surface but is part of the glass material itself. Add the reflectivity of glass surfaces, debris, resins incorporated with silver, gold and sand tones slight. Around the central square of a "symbolic desert sandy surface with pale golden mosaic isolates the nucleus from the little frame of wood: one created by the surface in one working session and that presents enormous technical difficulties (the experts of the mosaic will comprendeno the entity). The small square Central consists of gold tiles that absorb the attention is focused from the outside through the woods from time and soaked through the reflections of the flakes vague in the center circle. The mandala has a point to refer to, is held from a particular other and is repeated continuously. We should continue to review this mosaic, but it would take away the taste of the discovery of all significantly correlated with research on the mandala. DEFINITION COST-BASED
work of art in general (a sculpture, a painting, print), involves material costs (raw materials used, time and quality of labor) and intangible costs (search for specific artists, value added given by the artist and his personal history). A mosaic requires time-consuming, in this case the artist in question, can be quantified in an average of 5 hours of work in order to fully an area of \u200b\u200b100x100mm (a square of 10 cm per side). This mosaic took about 250 hours of manual labor. And these are mandatory minimum time may increase but certainly can not be shortened. An additional burden is the fact that glassy materials (tiles in various thicknesses) - by their nature expensive - are to be ordered directly from the factory in Murano and / or in the immediate vicinity. Lastly, add the technique used by the artist, that is, to pulverize a large number of the smalti and unwind in homogeneous backgrounds and / or in combination: a rare technical, innovative and surprising results. In this mosaic powder in the backgrounds of the results achieved truly exemplary.

Does Plucking Give You Ingrown Hairs


smalti, tile, wood, resins, gold and powder
AUTHOR Filippo Maria Patella.
TITLE AND DATE Mandala 1 / 1989.
9 45x945mm.
MATERIALS smalti originals (Ugo Donà & Sons Company - weaving in and dust), wood, gold and synthetic resins.
TECHNICAL mixed assemblages of mosaic enamel, fabric, wood, and gold dust.
STATE perfect (see picture at lower resolution).
The work is branded on the front and the date of execution and name of the author.
work is attached is the Certificate of Authenticity (signed by the author) with pictures and technical details, and the warranty of the present owner with photos of the work.
topic pages
CG Jung explains: "The Sanskrit word mandala means circle in general. In the context of religious practices and in psychology it means circular images that you can draw, paint ... Very often contain mandala quaternity or a multiple of four in the shape of a cross, star, square ... In alchemy this is why it has taken the form of squaring Circular. G. Poulet, quoting a passage from Rousseau's Lettres, compares the condition of those who delves into his life with that of a spider at the center of its web: "Let us become once again ourselves, with the focus on us, with our soul with the limit same limits that nature has given to our being, in a word where we start collecting, so looking to know, you may call at the same time in front of us all that we are composed. " About the mandala, the problems related to implementing technology in the mosaic (materials, techniques and timing of enforcement action) and research in art of Master Filippo Maria Patella visit the blog:
The mandala above is one of the most representative of mosaics and mosaic techniques of research Patella. In 1989 only 2 mosaics were made of considerable size, both with materials to weave large (enamel and marble). The mandala here has a value close to one as it has been made with smalti original ancient Ugo Donà & Sons Company, a company no longer active in Venice. The glazes have the character to be very thick: well, I know, these glazes are no longer in production and thus add to the mandala is a unique added value. The thickness of the glazes - interspersed by the various surfaces of the shades - creates textured paths that the photos (unfortunately necessarily low resolution) can not communicate. Glazes are glassy materials intimately changing colors as the color was not added to the surface but is part of the material glass itself. Add the reflectivity of glass surfaces, of painted wood, resins incorporated with gold dust and very light tones. The center of the mandala the constellation Cancer is found in small gold pieces, immersed in a sea of \u200b\u200bpowder blue. You should continue to review the mosaic but take away the taste of the discovery of all significantly correlated with research on mandala.
work of art in general (a sculpture, a painting, print), involves material costs (raw materials used, time and quality of labor) and intangible costs (artistic specific added value given by the artist and his personal history). A mosaic requires time-consuming, in this case the artist in question, can be quantified in an average of 5 hours of work in order to fully an area of \u200b\u200b100x100mm (a square of 10 cm per side). This mosaic took about 230 hours of manual labor. And these are mandatory minimum time may increase but certainly can not be shortened. An additional burden is the fact that glassy materials (tiles in various thicknesses) - by their nature expensive - are to be ordered directly from the factory in Murano and / or in the immediate vicinity. Lastly, add the technique used by the artist, namely that to pulverize a large number of the smalti and unwind in homogeneous backgrounds and / or in combination: a rare technical, innovative and surprising results. For information

Monday, June 9, 2008

Guaranteed Pokemon Catch

birthday speech 2008 part2

Second part of my speech. The more concrete we say: D

Panasonic Dvd Cooling Fans

birthday speech in 2008 parte1

First part of my speech turned birthday on May 26, 2008 Praglia plans under a shower, lots of ideas and confused.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Generic Wedding Thank You

Ciciliano Night and rain

Look at me, Beat me too, schiaffeggiami, strozzami, you will never have the keys, I've taken off the machine, but I forbid you ever use the bike, even if it is night.
The bed was broken, not my fault, I never wanted a fight, but if he can not do without, but I have always kept their hands in place, I did not react, at most I struggling.
I inflated the tires, I put the waterproof jacket and went out in the rain and into the night, I rode up to the concert, I left the portfolio with the documents at home, last night I was a nobody, I did not want to be somebody.
The change failed, you will be broke by itself, not mounted since I went to see a stage of the Tour of Italy and had perforated.
I found friends, all finished the rain stopped, so I continued to ride up in the pub who do not attend for some time, as it seemed shorter than the road made all the past months with the car, how many smells that I had never heard, the silence around, pedal, pedal through the night, I would take the highway and make the 200 km that separate me from you, you're sick like me, you like me so many people against you, which is never good thing, the mind is occupied by thoughts, time There, the distances do not exist.
'm not pissed at each pedal stroke the mind is unleashed, I do not feel the fatigue, I feel asleep, I just want to go, to move through my body, I welcome the fact that I'm moving without contributing to the war, and I would like to send fuck all who pass me by with the car and burn oil, murderers like me, speakers of cancer and promoter of war, every time I use the machine.
Rain I love you, every time you wash from the illusion that surrounds us, as a large shower, which remove impurities and lightens the soul from guilt, but it is pure illusion, I do not want an umbrella, I want to run in the rain, I want you to face the bathroom, I hanno fatto credere che mi devo difendere da te, che sei pericolosa, che mi provochi le malattie, influenza e raffreddore, ma io non ci credo, per anni sei stata invocata dai popoli, non mi voglio difendere da te.
Voglio che mi abbracci, voglio riempirmi del tuo suono che ricerco stando seduto talvolta sul fondo della doccia, il suono delle gocce su una tettoia in agosto.
Questa notte sono tornato a vivere, vaffanculo, cazzo ero vivo, ero libero....

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What D The Jelly Bands Stand For?


enamels, wood and dust
AUTHOR Filippo Maria Patella
TITLE AND DATE Mandala 2 / 1994
SUPPORT laminated wood.
inner dimensions 420x420mm
MATERIALI Smalti veneziani (Ditta Ugo Donà & Figli - in tessere e in polveri), legni, resine e vernici sintetiche.
TECNICA Mista con assemblaggi di mosaico (in tessere e in polveri) e legni dipinti.
STATO Perfetto (ved. FOTO 1 e 2, a bassa risoluzione).
L’opera è marchiata a fuoco sul retro con indicazione della data di esecuzione e logo dell’autore.
All’opera è allegato sia il Certificato di autenticità (autografato dall’autore) con foto e scheda tecnica, sia il Certificato di garanzia dell’attuale proprietario con foto dell’opera stessa.
Spiega C.G. Jung: "La parola sanscrita mandala means circle in general. As part of religious practices and in psychology it means circular images that you can draw, paint ... Very often, the mandala quaternity or contain a multiple of four in the shape of a cross, star, square ... In alchemy this is why it has took the form of squaring Circular. G. Poulet, quoting a passage from Rousseau's Lettres, compares the condition of those who delves into his life with that of a spider at the center of its web: "Let us become once again ourselves, with the focus on us, with our soul with the limit same limits that nature has given to our being, in a word where we start collecting, so looking to know, is to be simultaneously present before us all that we are made ".
About the mandala, the problems related to implementing technology in the mosaic (materials, techniques and timing of enforcement action) and research in art of Master Filippo Maria Patella visit the blog

Diagram Of The Parts Of A Bmx Rear Freewheel Hub


architect Gino Valle
Special LOTUS Navigator
Quarterly Journal of Architecture, Electa.
Number 1, November 2000 (pending the Court of Milan), 143 pages, texts in Italian and English. L. Price 20,000.
beautiful photos in color and b & na full-page and double page. Special
rare to find, especially in perfect condition, COSTA absolutely intact. From the back cover
4 ... Eclectic and experimental, practical, effective, Gino Valle browsing through the landscapes of our countryside and in the heart of the metropolis, by inserting fragments architecture which creates in the context of new and surprising solutions. NAVIGATOR traces a journey through memories, adventures, provocations, strategies, and the invention of a protagonist who, through contamination, interpolation and the transfiguration of the figures of modernity takes us to an architecture of ideas that materialize in industrial plants, office buildings and pieces of the city . For information

Infant Formula Manufacturers

Architect Art Publishing - DOMUS Dossier

Magazine Annual Number 3, Year III, 1995.
Pages 140, with numerous technical publications and topics.
Special Issue on Berlin with plant extract at 1:5000.
status of the review is extraordinarily perfect way affect costs, the amount on sale at the time 18,000 lire.
The journal is available at:

What Does Cm Week Before Period Mean?


New Edition by Carmine Benincasa
Number 2, July 1994. Articles about Giacometti, Barthes, Miller, Le Corbusier, Pietila, Hayet, Utamaro, Whistler and others.
The magazine contains 68,000 words, 273 illustrations of which 237 color and 36 b & n., 180 pages.
Size 240x320mm, weight 900g
was perfect.
Number 3, September 1994. Articles Rouault, Claudel, Roussel, Holderlin, Vermeer, Khnopff, Klee, Twombly and others.
The magazine contains 70,000 words, 282 illustrations of which 227 color and 55 b & n., 172 pages.
Size 240x320mm, weight 850g
was perfect.
Number 4, November 1994. Articles about Cezanne, Manet, Valery, Pollock, Mondrian, Mozart, Arrabal, Ionesco, Yourcenar, Feliciano, Ambrosino and others.
The magazine contains 68,000 words, 182 illustrations in 134 color and 48 b & n., 172 pages.
Size 240x320mm, weight 860g
was perfect.
The three issues of the journal can be found at:

Tenergy Solar Charger


My love
YEAR: 1975.
PAPER: Cardboard ivory, size 350x500mm
TECHNICAL :?, Serigraph / Lithograph + photo pasted
RUN:? Elucidated.
SIGNATURE: Signed in pencil Carmine Rezzuti.
The print is in perfect condition with color prints without smudging and / or different tones.
I rebuilt the era of the print edition in 1975 as Rezzuti presents "My Love" in "THE SITUATION NAPOLI '75" at the Art Center of Multiple Marigliano (Napoli).
I can not provide the certificate (by the author) the authenticity of the print (the fourth of a group of 4 prints) as it is in my possession after the donation was made to me from an artist who attended in the 70's / 80's art scene in Naples and there, between the two artists (Rezzuti and other), the exchange took place at par.
I can provide the certificate with the history of printing and references to the owners of my acquaintance.
The release is available at: