Saturday, October 4, 2008

Magic Shaving Powder Pubic Hair

accelerated awakening from a dream.

I'm going to write, I will not leave alone my readers, my little flock of depressed sensitive.
I planted the drugs, particularly paroxetine, it was not easy, but slowly I am an engineer, making smaller and smaller doses with a knife until you reach a quarter of a tablet, then are left without.
Dura awaken from a sleep of several months, months of total detachment, But many things have passed me.
It 's the first time I can say that in my esisteza another person saved my life by simply writing on a sheet of paper one word which gave me access to the pill of happiness.
For the first time I thank the Italian government for giving me the opportunity to heal from the evil of my life, at least temporarily for 2 € a box, making me pay the ticket only.
Son were and still are heavy days, agitated, when I wake talvola avendocela with everyone, with all those people who helped make the world a shit and I can not touch.
I wake up and send to fuck 'em all, at it from certain angles it is also hilarious, as not to appreciate a person who bursts out in his pajamas screaming "God is a dirty voyeourista not want to be spied on while I go to denounce the process."
Provisionally to keep me calm keep Xanax on hand, then I calm during the day, the morning is that it is tragic. However
depleted throughout Italy brace yourself, one day we will win, I do not know what and where but we will win.


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