Friday, November 16, 2007

Diabetes Teaching Plan

How many things have happened since September 14

Dai m'è andata di culo, pare che la paroxetina sul mio organismo funzioni.
Non mi sento diverso da prima, ma tante cose sono totalmente scomparse, come ansia, pensieri ossessivi ecc ecc.
Son successe tante di quelle cose in questo periodo che to synthesize it would take too much to write anyway.
Anyway I went in the car alone, Parma, Pisa, Florence, Mass. and other places, I'm calm, happiness is one other thing, but I'm satisfied.
During this time I do not feel the need I had before, nn almost never feel hungry or thirsty, I have no sexual desires, I do not feel a lack of affection, it is as if I'm not missing anything, the only thing I need always the music, and my cigarettes I have started a long time to smoke.
perhaps will begin shortly to work as outside in a large firm of Genova, I'm training in singing, and I'm pulling down the script a little short that I do with my friend Claudio.
also will begin to make a short video messages to put on youtube, as well as those who write here.
Greetings to all.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Re-program Touchpad Locks F150

Andrew Meyer beaten and arrested for a question too long

I would like to talk about other things more cheerful, but today I saw the video I'm really a shame that is going around the world yesterday.
In this video, Andrew Meyer, 21 years is asking a question to Senator John Kerry, former Democratic candidate for president of the United States, but makes little too well off the microphone, the senator says let the answers, but four policemen the attack to remove him, do not even know why because no one ordered him and the senator was responding to demand.

is brought to China the stairs and slammed to the ground, but as it shakes too far to put the handcuffs, is also repeatedly hit by taser, a stun gun that temporarily immobilizes the victim with great sadness that it is very fashionable in usa.
Throughout the video, Andrew never did violence to the police, he just tried to stay in the auditorium to hear the response.
will be processed on Thursday for resisting the police, what a shame, you put the full video I found.
How does my good friend Giuliano is the state that should be afraid of the people not the other way.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cafe Interior Suggestion

paroxetine, and now what will happen to me ?

Paroxetine is a serotonin drug, known by various trade names.
the morning of September 14th will be an important date, will begin to take 10 mg in the morning of Sereupin, it starts to low doses because it is a drug that should be taken lightly, if you take it all of a sudden it's like a drug sends you to blow .
reading around a bit I almost understood that this miracle drug the first day gives you a blow on the head in general is bad, is a loss of appetite that is already little of my own, then nausea and headache, possible increased anxiety, sleep disorders, etc. etc.. But
when it stabilizes after the first 7 / 14 days the effects are miraculous and is a god, even if it creates problems with sex, but who cares so much if I'm already well on the medication I think the last thing I comes to mind is to get laid.
I worry a bit 'that the Sereupin instincts at a young age can lead to suicide and self harm, some people have already made out by reading statistics, hopefully good. The adventure begins
hopefully good!, Also because all the shit I've taken so far I did only worse.
And to think that if the world there were so many people like shit, there would not even need to take these medicines that thousands of people in the world. Then let's
courage, tomorrow is another day!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Whippets Bad For You?

Rubik's Cube and the return trip

Yes, I'm not dead, even though I was in such a way that could really happen.
It took me 3 hours and a fourth leg and two and a half hours to return.
The only interesting thing I did was go to the spa Vinadio night, crazy cool, outdoor pool with hot sulphurous water, which smells a bit ', but after a while we do the nose, while the air temperature hovered around 5 degrees.
are also entered in the grotto, never made so much heat, seemed to be hell, I do not know how people not to be taken ill, it's incredible.
Sleeping is not slept a fucking mountain, 5 in the same apartment, and someone always had to scream or pee or heard the noise, or was hungry, had to smoke etc etc ... Often it was morning.
I set out to return that I was a zombie, the Savona-Torino there was a dog, I was afraid to fall asleep as soon as I popped in Savona, I felt at home, although there was some way to go yet.
Once in the house, I was pleased to note that it was the Rubik's cube I ordered on ebay, there are days and nights behind sclerosis, a few minutes ago I exploded into a thousand pieces, and I have had to beat to climb I would point out that six in the morning. Luckily I
trovato sempre su ebay, uno che vendeva il cubo del 25° anniversario e l'ho acquistato al volo, speriamo che sia piu robusto, perchè questo oltre a esplodere perde pure le facce, e mi tocca andare di attak.
Se volete un consiglio comprate su ebay, o in un negozio uno cubo che tanto costa tipo 5 euro, e poi visitate che ci sono le spiegazioni, che sono un casino e ci sono le animazioni sbagliate che spiegano, ma aiuta a capire molte cose.
Io non sono ancora ruscito a risolverlo al cento percento senza il risolutore automatico, perchè alla fine mi incasino sempre e devo ricominciare da capo, comunque è una esperienza che vale la pena di essere vissuta.
Il cubo l'ho comprato perchè The other day I saw "The Pursuit of Happyness," Muccino's film, which tralaltro is wonderful, and the Rubik's Cube plays a decisive role in the film, and then I also try coluto me with this puzzle that continues to fal 1979 make the world go crazy, have fun.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Wedding Decorations Melbourne

first trip alone

It 's a bit of time I do not write in the blog, but I had gone a bit' desire, but many things will have happened, tantissimissime.
Bersezio Soon I leave for the border with France, with three hours of travel time by wolves, for me it's a suicide, are mentally unstable, heavily, and driving more than 15 minutes I Scazzi, if there is a god he loves me, I will arrive at your destination, However I am sure that the angel will watch over me while garmin.
If you do not go back more buddies goodbye, it was great!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Nexium And Menstrual Cycle

cigarettes from 20 to 0

Lately I got into the habit of smoking a lot in the evening, and almost a pack a day was not enough anymore, I always loved to smoke, especially at moments of reflection.
few weeks ago, a Saturday night, I was sitting on the rocks in Santa Margherita Ligure in solitude, I smoked and watched the lights of the boats swaying in the trees, and my thoughts spun free from a tug and another.
Then one night I had a very sore throat that does not pass, a sore throat strange, just when I was finished package.
Since then I have not touched a cigarette, and I had no withdrawal symptoms, you spent about a month.
When the friends around me smoke, we suffer a bit, I miss it, but I decided to become a healthy fruit, vegetables, gym and sweat: D, and I must say that we get on well with this lifestyle. I have passed many
even paranoia.
Quitting smoking is easy, you would never forgive you if one day you ammalaste, and you understood that was your fault? I do not.
So I said ENOUGH!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

How To Take A Shower Low Ceiling

What am I doing?

's a strange time, I'm pretty laid back anyway, so I can not say to stay evil, even if feeling good is something else. Step
these summer days to work up a bit 'interesting people and look on Netlog.
I met some people from my town who have managed to give me a few laughs virtual, and I hope to meet soon in real life.
strange things continue to happen, but not write on the blog, are no longer a writer, avid as ever.
In recent days, I chatted with Stephen the very guy who says he received a miracle, and listen to his views on God, religion and people.
still tend to seek more and more happy people who suffer from una qualche forma di disagio, piuttosto che persone che stanno bene, perchè mi ci trovo meglio a parlare.
Ora me ne andrò a letto, anche se con sto caldo non ne ho proprio voglia.
Buona notte a tutti.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Korean Congratulations Characters

period of calm on the surface ....

Dopo essere tornato dall'isola d'elba le cose sembrano andare meglio, il lavoro va bene, gli amici pure....non è proprio così mi voglio illudere che lo sia, ho deciso di dare una tregua ai pensieri distruttivi.
L'odio che albergava in me è scemato, per lasciare solamente profonda tristezza, ma non sono depresso, anzi nonostante tutto ho ancora tanta voglia di fare.
Il post precedente was a bit strong, but not delete it, it was a moment of anger, but he was part of my life and do not want to forget.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Lorena Herrera Yahoo Group

only hypocrisy. Intelligence

fucking hypocrisy may have affected humanity so endemic?
everywhere, hypocrisy, people in less expected.
And I do not know what to do, I do not want to be part of this humanity of shit, might as well be dead.
jot down new drops and pills, bitter, disgusting, it's like drinking a concentrated coffee without sugar, but I can not sleep.
fucking rosary that you stuffed it in the ass, but that gliene fotte a dio, sempre che ci sia, che gli ripeti 50 volte la stessa cosa, tipo automa, e poi ti comporti di merda ?
Questo dolore alla spalla non passa mai, sabato parto e mi levo dai coglioni, mi lascio alle spalle tutto, voglio dimenticare tutto, son stufo di alzarmi al mattino col solito bagaglio sulle spalle, che sembra sempre più pesante.
Cosa sono diventato ?
Pure il sesso mi fa schifo ora.
Tutto mi fa schifo, cazzo mi vorrei pagare un sicario per farmi fuori, che da soli è dura trovare il coraggio.
Tra poco le palpebre si chiuderanno, e al mio risveglio mi calerò una altra dose di merda in goccie, perchè alone is difficult to do it.
But Think of it positive, not just one day people like me will create a revolution, and burn all those who represent the brand in the world, purify the race, there will be no more evil men and hypocrites, come, join brothers, Judgement Day is coming!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

How Long Does Watery Mucus Stay

the true cancer of humanity, something does not work

These days are a bit of strange things happened, I found myself on the edge of a road with arrows emergency punching the passenger seat and crying.
Why? because I'm crazy?, oh no, the truth is that man is paying the his intelligence with a lot of money heavy.
Sometimes we feel at home phrases like: "Look how smart is the daughter of xxxx you see that it is a mature girl" or "dude looks like he's good in all subjects, that he is intelligent", to me real intelligence leads to maturity and maturity, is the awareness of its existence, and all the questions that follow, not the ability to acquire information and to take a repeat examination 30.
maturity, often leads to depression.
Tonight I began to look for info on antidepressants and I found a bit ' of things.
Those of you who have never heard of Prozac?, Going to the wikipedia entry fluoxetine we chiarici ideas on what this word that I personally have often heard speak in my life.
Long story short in Prozac (fluoxetine HCl) Eli Lilly is an antidepressant marketed in the 80's in his best-selling category is defined as "the product of the century" by Fortune magazine in 1999.
we can read that on wikipedia is the third biggest selling drug in the world, I do not know when the source is reliable, given that Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia, but not it surprised me because in America there are people who take it as if they were candy.
Depression for me is the cancer of the new millennium, we pride ourselves so much about being smart, thinking beings, other animals, but I'd be so happy, at least the animals live serene, unaware of their existence, or At least I hope so, I hope for them.
Think of how many people die from suicide each year, for depression to people who go crazy and kill their children or family, this should make you think, so it's worth the trouble to be smart and then spend a life of suffering, trying to cling to things fictitious like religion?
We are unhappy because there is no predator that wants to eat, like other animals do not fight for existence, but for the EXISTING dignity.
Paradoxically, an African child is happier with a plate of rice and a glass of clean water, a child with the playstation 3 because he struggles to live, and hopefully in the future where they can continue to live, baby the developed country, I just hope I can continue to live a dignified existence, without becoming a penniless.
Something does not work, what will happen? Each year we will be more and more sad and we will get to take more antidepressants ?

Friday, June 8, 2007

Saedoo Speedster 1997

near the sea

Dopo l'ansia dell'ultimo post non ce la facevo a stare in casa, così ho aspettato e 5 e mezza e ho preso la macchina per andare ad Arenzano in riva al mare.
Mi son portato dietro macchina fotografica e chitarra, la mia idea era quella di fermarmi su qualche scoglio a suonare, e fare qualche foto all'alba.
Andando verso la spiaggetta mi sono imbattuto in un cantiere di umani.
Un cantiere è una zona recintata dove gli umani smuovono la terra e costruiscono col cemento, di sabato mattina non c'era nessuno e non c'era nulla che mi inpedisse di passarci attraverso, nessuna transenna, tra le barriere vi era un ampio spazio to pass.
I'm walking towards the pier when suddenly I hear you calling, "Hey where are you going?" Do not you see that there is a yard? "
and I said "I saw it, but I have not seen any signs indicating that people can not enter. Excuse me, but if one wants to go to the beach as I do?" and he "go go".
So I left disappointed, I would have liked andargli to say that I beat the cock of the yard, which I am a Christian and the earth is a gift that God has given to everyone, so I have the right to pass on that ground as he was, but then I gave up.
5 in the morning have a wonderful time, I traveled tutta la passeggiata, qualche pezzo sulla spiaggia sassosa, l'unico rumore era quello dei miei passi e quello delle piccole ondine che si infrangevano sulla spiaggia, che pace.

Sample Welcome Letters From The Ceo

Fear fucking fear

Che sta succedendo ?
Confondo la realtà con il sogno, è pazzesco, è come essere sotto allucinogeni, giovedì ho mollato gli antidepressivi per passare allo zyprexa (neurolettico atipico), un farmaco molto usato in psichiatria, usato per curare la schizofrenia, degli episodi di mania acuta associati al disturbo bipolare.
Ma non capisco che mi sta succedendo, mi prende sonno improvviso e dormo, poi mi sveglio, faccio incubi pesanti e non riesco a volte a understand the difference between dreams and reality, because these nightmares are so intense as to change my mood and my perceptions, I'm probably going insane?
I do not know what to hold on, I have some friends, I cling to God if I were convinced of its existence, but I stopped believing in a long time, maybe one day I'll change my mind.
I woke up, I opened my eyes and it was one o'clock at night split as ever, I do not understand this thing, if I go to bed before midnight when I open my eyes is a split, I woke up dressed in a blanket him, I do not remember anything about last night when I woke up the computer is turned on and there were several messages of people who had tried to contact me. Recently I heard
salirmi anxiety, an anxiety absurd unfounded, fuck if I'm wrong, I am going through all the desire to laugh and joke, I've always been a Cazzaro, one that says bullshit and laughs even alone at times, but now? now that I do? hospitalize me and fucked up all my relationships with people, my work ... I do by force that tomorrow is Saturday and you start to live.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Internal Marketing Autdit

I'm wearing slippers on the street

Way slippers in the middle of the road, are two and a half and there is not any, smoke my camel parade just took the package to the machine.
's two and a half down the street and there's nobody, if I knew it went down in my pajamas, no shoes found them, and went down well.
walk in the street and think "what the hell am I doing here?" a question that has no answer, I'm here to live my life an end in itself, because I believe that after death there is not really a dick.
ahuhauauh, god does not exist, at least if there was not yet alive, the soul? the soul does not exist, our behavior stems from a combination of factors, three major, the first is how our brain is physically structured, two from the information that we have learned in life and in the levels of three chemicals are present in our blood.

As the years go by, the brain becomes damaged, the memory fades slowly and begin to see less and less account of existence, this makes us happier, we stoned.
I watch my grandmother who is 98 years old and always laughing, because there are no problems for her, the only memories are those of the past best stored, it is often very acidic, and says bad things, we do not know where to jump off, all a consequence of aging of the brain that governs all our attitudes.
I saw those over 50 years and do not know why he returned to behave like a child of six years, and the hospital have never been able to give any explanation, his soul is perhaps regressed? Catholic bigots, then now what you say to me? mystery of faith? I prefer to live in reality in fairy tales, are now grown, is due to ignorance that reigns in Italy that people like Vanna Marchi was able to take advantage of people for years, the same ignorance that allows religion to be so widespread.
I do not see what the fuck there is intelligent to say a rosary for a dead person, but even if there were a god, but what the hell cares if people repeat the same thing 60 times, but did not give give a fuck , if I am going to the rosary or the funeral of someone just out of solidarity with the family, not because I believe that it serves a qualcosa.
L'uomo comunque alla fine della storia non capisce mica un cazzo, si limita a combinare le informazioni che possiede per tirarne fuori altre, riuscite forse voi a immaginarvi un colore che non avete mai visto ? a immaginarvi un sapore di un qualcosa mai assaggiato ? può un prete parlare di famiglia lui che per scelta ha deciso di dedicare la vita al signore e a qualche solitaria sega ?
Comununque nonostante la vita sia fine a se stessa, ho deciso di impegnarmi per viverla al meglio, anche se continuo a non staccarmi da ste merda di pastiglie e goccie, le mie ambizioni le ho , c'è chi in me ci crede, non lo deluderò .
Sta sera il pc mi ha lasciato a piedi, e I'm spending the night to restore everything, because when the phone rings for work, your computer broke is not an excuse to anything, for now I arrange with my laptop.
After transmitting the Year Zero on pedophile priests, I hope that something changes in people's minds, but perhaps nothing will change, because now is only news to those who fellazzio Big Brother under the sheets.
Dear friends of the blog, a greeting to all, and if you want my advice, live by the law of common sense that we all have inside, or at least I hope.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Amedmant Of Parnership Deed

Evening shit and Roman Catholics reported the video to google

were two days that I was fine.
I was happy, now all the people who have talked to me, were able to appreciate what I was positive.
tonight I want to die again, because although I do not understand how I behave, people continue to treat me like shit, I do not understand why I always feel bad for someone's fault.
I saw David died, his white hands, her eyes shut with duct tape, I stroked her hands and face, cosume leukemia but finally stopped suffering.
I'm consumed by my internal conflicts within, and from all the mess that continues to create me, people are again to the limit, maybe you could finish all of a sudden all my suffering.
And then what the hell is happening today is beautiful in addition to all this?
That some ass bastard hypocritical priest, reported the video on pedophile priests to google, have lobbied to get it removed that infringed the copyright, the truth is that this video, maybe that will be on TV next Santoro weeks has been seen in recent days by almost a million Italians, and a bunch of fucking Catholics did everything to make sure that the truth does not come to the surface. It 's a shame!
Proof of this is the fact that it was only removed the video with subtitles in Italian! To read the news Go to this link .
Fortunately, there are those who want the truth come to the surface, so the video can now be found on free clicking here.
Another scandal, after the crusades, the inquisitions and indulgences, this story must end.
Stop playing on the ignorance of people to be able to check, start thinking of your head, follow common sense, forget the church, is history that teaches us!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Starworld Vietnamprogramming Schedule

Sex Crimes and Vatican - Ratzinger in jail! In the woods at night [Old video no longer available]
The video has been made clear but you can find the same link to or emule links to , the version is deleted only one with the Italian translations of the dialogues, demonstrating that the operation was conducted by Italian Catholics, ENOUGH WITH THE SUBMISSION OF THE CHURCH! WE WANT THE TRUTH '. [/ Edit]
Are you Catholic?, Blindly believe in the church?, Believe that Pope Ratzinger is a man good and just?
After watching this video never tasmesso in Italy will definitely change your mind, if not believed in the institution of the church just now I do, 0, is a disgrace! Ratzinger should go to jail along with all the people who support him in his criminal acts.
This document has been transmitted Inghilterra nel 2006, e parla degli scandali dei preti pedofili e del documento segreto del vaticano "
Crimen Sollicitationis".
La chiesa ha sempre trasferito i preti pedofili da una parrocchia ad una altra, per insabbiare le cose, senza fare mai nulla per punire queste persone, non voglio anticiparvi nulla, vi lascio a questo video che vi farà rimanere senza parole.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Help Me Where Can I Get Syringes

Cammini con la tua torcia frontale in testa, quando il buio ha già inghiottito tutto, è notte, ma il sudore ti cola dalla fronte sul viso.
Cammini col gruppo, e sai che davanti e dietro hai qualcuno, ma hai lati sei indifeso, ti senti osservato, and you as the fear that at any moment, one of the shadows that are projected into the woods to grab you and get you.
Walk, the boots are tight and hurt, keep looking left and right, thinking about the case, "Piero Fortunato Zanfretta" the most extraordinary event of human abduction by aliens of which is known in Italy, happened nearby, and you expect that at any moment something appears in the dark, a gleam of eyes, a sudden movement, but nothing happens.
The sky is set with bright stars and planets, every now and then we stop and our guide will explain the constellations, my eyes are a little dud and all those stars they see me they do not show.
Earlier, while I was climbing the highest mountain peak of the Apennines, I watched the sun die and dye the sky red, and inside I felt like a voice saying: "I believe! Not're ready does not exist God who created everything! How can you be born so all alone? ".
This night I woke up at 3 am, I did not sleep, I turned on the pc and I started doing some research on google, trying to learn more about the case Zanfretta, to my amazement I discovered that last Saturday, the same day of the excursion, not far from us, Torriglia, held a conference with the support of RAI, the case UFO sightings in past years, just at locations around the country.